// ==UserScript== // @name Bot // @namespace http://www.multiplayerpiano.com/ // @notice This was originally made by electrashave. And furthermore edited by LoganNZL // @Version 3.0 // @description Modded Script For Multiplayerpiano.com // @include http://www.multiplayerpiano.com/* // @match http://www.multiplayerpiano.com/script.js // @copyright 2013+ // ==/UserScript== /* README | toggles Echo Backspace toggles Jump End toggles Rolling on Multi-Octaves (mess around with it and you'll know what I mean) insert/ins toggles Sustain delete/del and home messes with recording (mess around with it to figure it out) + and - keys on numpad change volume Up and down arrow keys mess with multi-octaves left and right mess with echo/jump speed Spacebar goes lower than capslock in octaves alt goes higher than shift in octaves ~ goes higher than alt in octaves Search for "Lcopy" and un comment that if you wish to copy others notes. Invisible name "" Names: ๖ۣۜʟᴏɢɪᴇ ๖ۣۜʙᴇᴀʀ Names: ๖ۣۜSnorkel ๖ۣۜWarrior Names: くコ:彡 ๖ۣۜSevant ๖Squidly *le slurrpy* Names: ████████████████████████████████████████ Names: ͚ ͚͚ ͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚͚ ͚͚͚ ͚͚ ͚ Names: ௵LOGAN!Ϡ List of friends and acquaintances' IDs: ... and beyonce //where does the apostrophe go!? NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW D: //InfaRaven's ID: 4c7e39b4364a0fad6541e33a //Ray's ID: 49a756bfb612c19588cf92c9 nom nom nom all your id are belong to me! //AShortDude's ID:5b96f322a1653813edb24aad //White Wolf (Formally known as the Swagster)'s ID: 21cd2eb5fb3e271c7f48fa94 //Square Enix's ID: b331e6b9d52cbbd54d0a8af7 //Fallout987's ID: e312b42da7f017a27e07d633 //Fake Oak's ID: 3fd5f256e227cc54f3a4b347 //Real Oak's ID: d7ba46192a01185c3692b9b6 //Flyken's ID: a2a712be5259af673214a7ee //Slinky's ID: 055d6b2c103788e10e71ad11 //Cool mouse person: 2d3fb75535b9fd3244514bef //Death's ID: 9a970aff2874f4d09cb616e8 //SuperKiddGaming2014's ID: ff0a8089468839b611979257 //qp's ID: ba1be5a4b713c6afb789d9a8 //Bot/Player1's: ID: 67f491cbc8762305b915e5bd //Cecilia's ID: 3ea51c0ef9b6efe3a4c19138 //Ms.Bacon's ID: 9ffe4322798b29c0b42d18ae //Master Piano (Peter)'s ID: 7383d882e9210f58b260ff61 //PVJFU The Bot/Human Beta's ID: 3eda8faee5b69cd757cb74ef //Mr. Luke's ID: fbd57631778eac9b53b1edb2 //starseed orion's (Purple) ID: ca3d07ec4bc678a35093d61a //starseed orion's (green) ID: 1d188aea6957bc8395a22dc8 //ste-art's ID: b480fa77bec1564fb2696166 //Brandan's Green ID: 216566dcb68e8c6477be0120 //Brandan's Blue ID:f21df3256d1b086463f6bfcd //LoganNZL's ID: 3d84c124783d491385cee6bf //Yoshify's ID: 4e28d8736f8a464ada652896 //electrashave's ID: 59dcad53d48a5ecf2e28bc5c (Blue) //electrashave's ID: d2440a87cc0af1e33f439f13 (Green) //Stevy's ID: 67d80d4c51a8ab5f138ac23b //Unknown Person's ID: c90faf93080c97a3e6b4fe4a (was in here to begin with o_O) //BEYONCE's ID: 481092855b0c0df062616620 //BEYONCE's NEW ID: 73c71215f664d64f0f7afbf4 //Blue Bears's ID: 27aecd90c67f5a59a9609ccc //wary: 96f2d3a2a11f76ddff8f53ff //Idiot who turned chat off: d19059a47b53ef73eb1c1c38 List of Banned players //Smart cunt Anonymous Brown colour 05, Mar ID: 2d51728f9a4483f791f81873 |Reason: Rude cunt List of piano sounds: Bells: Piano: piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24213061/Bells/" + key.note + ".wav", function () { Soft Piano: piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/216104606/" + key.note + ".mp3", function () { Bright Piano: piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/258840068/CustomSounds/Piano2/" + key.note + ".wav", function () { Deep Piano: piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/258840068/CustomSounds/Piano1/" + key.note + ".wav.wav", function () { test: piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/225456033/PianoNotes/" + key.note + ".wav.mp3", function () { //not working */ //name stuff //middle_name = "LoganNZL"; //your name //refresh_rate = 2100;//default 2100 //delay between 2 name change. Min: 2,1 sec //defaultafktime = NaN; // after x ms not moving your mouse you get away tag NaN disables. 600000 = 10 minutes //notes_played = 0; //this should be 0. But feel free to get a head start :P //end of name stuff var octTemp = 1; var susTemp = 2; var rollTemp = 1; var volume = 2; var echoTemp = 1; var delayTemp = 1; var jumpTemp = 1; var vol2 = undefined; var brblist = []; //unused $(function () { var test_mode = (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#test(?:#.+)*$/i)); var gSeeOwnCursor = (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#seeowncursor(?:#.+)*$/i)); if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/ ) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (cb) { setTimeout(cb, 1000 / 30); }; var DEFAULT_VELOCITY = 0.5; var TIMING_TARGET = 1000; // Utility //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Rect = function (x, y, w, h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.x2 = x + w; this.y2 = y + h; }; Rect.prototype.contains = function (x, y) { return (x >= this.x && x <= this.x2 && y >= this.y && y <= this.y2); }; // performing translation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Translation = (function () { var strings = { "people are playing": { "pt": "pessoas est√£o jogando", "es": "personas est√°n jugando", "ru": "—á–µ–ª–æ–≤–µ–∫ –∏–≥—Ä–∞–µ—Ç", "fr": "personnes jouent", "ja": "‰∫∫„ÅåÈÅä„Çì„Åß„ÅÑ„Çã", "de": "Leute spielen", "zh": "‰∫∫Ë¢´Êâì", "nl": "mensen spelen", "pl": "os√≥b grajƒÖ", "hu": "ember j√°tszik" }, "New Room...": { "pt": "Nova Sala ...", "es": "Nueva sala de...", "ru": "–ù–æ–≤—ã–π –Ω–æ–º–µ—Ä...", "ja": "Êñ∞„Åó„ÅÑÈɮ±ã", "zh": "Êñ∞ÊàøÈó¥", "nl": "nieuwe Kamer", "hu": "√∫j szoba" }, "room name": { "pt": "nome da sala", "es": "sala de nombre", "ru": "–Ω–∞–∑–≤–∞–Ω–∏–µ –∫–æ–º–Ω–∞—Ç—ã", "fr": "nom de la chambre", "ja": "„É´„ɺ„ɆÂêç", "de": "Raumnamen", "zh": "ÊàøÈó¥ÂêçÁß∞", "nl": "kamernaam", "pl": "nazwa pok√≥j", "hu": "szoba neve" }, "Visible (open to everyone)": { "pt": "Vis√≠vel (aberto a todos)", "es": "Visible (abierto a todo el mundo)", "ru": "Visible (–æ—Ç–∫—Ä—ã—Ç—ã–π –¥–ª—è –≤—Å–µ—Ö)", "fr": "Visible (ouvert √† tous)", "ja": "ÁõƄŴ˶ã„Åà„ÇãÔºàË™∞„Å´„Åß„ÇÇÈñã„ÅфŶ„ÅÑ„ÇãÔºâ", "de": "Sichtbar (offen f√ºr alle)", "zh": "ÂèØËßÅÔºàÂêëÊâÄÊúâ‰∫∫ºÄÊîæÔºâ", "nl": "Zichtbaar (open voor iedereen)", "pl": "Widoczne (otwarte dla wszystkich)", "hu": "L√°that√≥ (nyitott mindenki sz√°m√°ra)" }, "Enable Chat": { "pt": "Ativar bate-papo", "es": "Habilitar chat", "ru": "–í–∫–ª—é—á–∏—Ç—å —á–∞—Ç", "fr": "Activer discuter", "ja": "„ÉÅ„É£„ÉÉ„Éà„ÇíÊúâÂäπ„Å´„Åô„Çã", "de": "aktivieren Sie chatten", "zh": "ÂêØÁî®ËÅ䧩", "nl": "Chat inschakelen", "pl": "W≈ǃÖcz czat", "hu": "a cseveg√©st" } // todo: it, tr, th, sv, ar, fi, nb, da, sv, he, cs, ko, ro, vi, id, nb, el, sk, bg, lt, sl, hr // todo: Connecting, Offline mode, input placeholder, Notifications }; var setLanguage = function (lang) { language = lang }; var getLanguage = function () { if (window.navigator && navigator.language && navigator.language.length >= 2) { return navigator.language.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase(); } else { return "en"; } }; var get = function (text, lang) { if (typeof lang === "undefined") lang = language; var row = strings[text]; if (row == undefined) return text; var string = row[lang]; if (string == undefined) return text; return string; }; var perform = function (lang) { if (typeof lang === "undefined") lang = language; $(".translate").each(function (i, ele) { var th = $(this); if (ele.tagName && ele.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") { if (typeof ele.placeholder != "undefined") { th.attr("placeholder", get(th.attr("placeholder"), lang)) } } else { th.text(get(th.text(), lang)); } }); }; var language = getLanguage(); return { setLanguage: setLanguage, getLanguage: getLanguage, get: get, perform: perform }; })(); Translation.perform(); // AudioEngine classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var AudioEngine = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.init = function (cb) { this.volume = 0.6; this.sounds = {}; return this; }; AudioEngine.prototype.load = function (id, url, cb) {}; AudioEngine.prototype.play = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.stop = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume = function (vol) { this.volume = vol; }; AudioEngineSM2 = function () {}; AudioEngineSM2.prototype = new AudioEngine(); AudioEngineSM2.prototype.init = function (cb) { AudioEngine.prototype.init.call(this); window.SM2_DEFER = true; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "/soundmanager2/soundmanager2.js"; var loaded = false; script.onload = function () { if (loaded) return; if (typeof SoundManager === "undefined") { setTimeout(script.onload, 4000); return; } loaded = true; window.soundManager = new SoundManager(); soundManager.url = "/soundmanager2/"; soundManager.debugMode = test_mode ? true : false; soundManager.useHTML5Audio = false; soundManager.flashVersion = 9; soundManager.multiShot = true; soundManager.useHighPerformance = true; soundManager.beginDelayedInit(); if (cb) soundManager.onready(cb); }; setTimeout(script.onload, 4000); document.body.appendChild(script); return this; }; AudioEngineSM2.prototype.load = function (id, url, cb) { this.sounds[id] = soundManager.createSound({ id: id, url: url, autoLoad: true, volume: this.volume, onload: cb }); }; AudioEngineSM2.prototype.play = function (id, vol, delay_ms) { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { soundManager.play(id, { volume: self.volume * 100.0 }); }, delay_ms); }; AudioEngineSM2.prototype.setVolume = function (vol) { AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume.call(this, vol); for (var i in this.sounds) { if (this.sounds.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.sounds[i].setVolume(this.volume * 100.0); } } }; AudioEngineWeb = function () {}; AudioEngineWeb.prototype = new AudioEngine(); AudioEngineWeb.prototype.init = function (cb) { AudioEngine.prototype.init.call(this); this.context = new AudioContext(); this.gainNode = this.context.createGain(); this.gainNode.connect(this.context.destination); this.gainNode.gain.value = this.volume; this.playings = {}; if (cb) setTimeout(cb, 0); return this; }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.load = function (id, url, cb) { var audio = this; var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open("GET", url); req.responseType = "arraybuffer"; req.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (evt) { if (req.readyState !== 4) return; try { audio.context.decodeAudioData(req.response, function (buffer) { audio.sounds[id] = buffer; if (cb) cb(); }); } catch (e) { /*throw new Error(e.message + " / id: " + id + " / url: " + url + " / status: " + req.status + " / ArrayBuffer: " + (req.response instanceof ArrayBuffer) + " / byteLength: " + (req.response && req.response.byteLength ? req.response.byteLength : "undefined"));*/ new Notification({ id: "audio-download-error", title: "Problem", text: "For some reason, an audio download failed with a status of " + req.status + ". " + " I blame antivirus software.", target: "#piano", duration: 10000 }); } }); req.send(); }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.play = function (id, vol, delay_ms, part_id) { if (!this.sounds.hasOwnProperty(id)) return; var time = this.context.currentTime + (delay_ms / 1000); var source = this.context.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = this.sounds[id]; var gain = this.context.createGain(); gain.gain.value = vol; source.connect(gain); gain.connect(this.gainNode); source.start(time); // Patch from ste-art remedies stuttering under heavy load if (this.playings[id]) { var playing = this.playings[id]; playing.gain.gain.setValueAtTime(playing.gain.gain.value, time); playing.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0, time + 0.5); playing.source.stop(time + 0.6); } this.playings[id] = { "source": source, "gain": gain, "part_id": part_id }; }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.stop = function (id, delay_ms, part_id) { if (this.playings.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.playings[id] && this.playings[id].part_id === part_id) { var time = this.context.currentTime + (delay_ms / 1000); var gain = this.playings[id].gain.gain; gain.setValueAtTime(gain.value, time); gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gain.value * 0.1, time + 0.16); gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0, time + 1.9); this.playings[id].source.stop(time + 2.0); this.playings[id] = null; } }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.setVolume = function (vol) { AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume.call(this, vol); this.gainNode.gain.value = this.volume; }; // VolumeSlider inst //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var VolumeSlider = function (ele, cb) { this.rootElement = ele; this.cb = cb; var range = document.createElement("input"); try { range.type = "range"; } catch (e) { // hello, IE9 } if (range.min !== undefined) { this.range = range; this.rootElement.appendChild(range); range.className = "volume-slider"; range.min = "0.0"; range.max = "1.0"; range.step = "0.01"; $(range).on("change", function (evt) { cb(range.value); }); } else { if (window.console) console.log("warn: no slider"); // todo } }; VolumeSlider.prototype.set = function (v) { if (this.range !== undefined) { this.range.value = v; } else { // todo } }; // Renderer classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Renderer = function () {}; Renderer.prototype.init = function (piano) { this.piano = piano; this.resize(); return this; }; Renderer.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { if (typeof width == "undefined") width = $(this.piano.rootElement).width(); if (typeof height == "undefined") height = Math.floor(width * 0.2); $(this.piano.rootElement).css({ "height": height + "px", marginTop: Math.floor($(window).height() / 2 - height / 2) + "px" }); this.width = width; this.height = height; }; Renderer.prototype.visualize = function (key, color) {}; var DOMRenderer = function () { Renderer.call(this); }; DOMRenderer.prototype = new Renderer(); DOMRenderer.prototype.init = function (piano) { // create keys in dom for (var i in piano.keys) { if (!piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = piano.keys[i]; var ele = document.createElement("div"); key.domElement = ele; piano.rootElement.appendChild(ele); // "key sharp cs cs2" ele.note = key.note; ele.id = key.note; ele.className = "key " + (key.sharp ? "sharp " : " ") + key.baseNote + " " + key.note + " loading"; var table = $('
'); var td = $(''); table.append(td); td.valign = "bottom"; $(ele).append(table); } // add event listeners var mouse_down = false; $(piano.rootElement).mousedown(function (event) { // todo: IE10 doesn't support the pointer-events css rule on the "blips" var ele = event.target; if ($(ele).hasClass("key") && piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(ele.note)) { var key = piano.keys[ele.note]; press(key.note); mouse_down = true; event.stopPropagation(); }; //event.preventDefault(); }); piano.rootElement.addEventListener("touchstart", function (event) { for (var i in event.changedTouches) { var ele = event.changedTouches[i].target; if ($(ele).hasClass("key") && piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(ele.note)) { var key = piano.keys[ele.note]; press(key.note); mouse_down = true; event.stopPropagation(); } } //event.preventDefault(); }, false); $(window).mouseup(function (event) { mouse_down = false; }); /*$(piano.rootElement).mouseover(function(event) { if(!mouse_down) return; var ele = event.target; if($(ele).hasClass("key") && piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(ele.note)) { var key = piano.keys[ele.note]; press(key.note); } });*/ Renderer.prototype.init.call(this, piano); return this; }; DOMRenderer.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { Renderer.prototype.resize.call(this, width, height); }; DOMRenderer.prototype.visualize = function (key, color) { var k = $(key.domElement); k.addClass("play"); setTimeout(function () { k.removeClass("play"); }, 100); // "blips" var d = $('
'); d.css("background", color); k.find("td").append(d); d.fadeOut(1000, function () { d.remove(); }); }; var CanvasRenderer = function () { Renderer.call(this); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype = new Renderer(); CanvasRenderer.prototype.init = function (piano) { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); piano.rootElement.appendChild(this.canvas); Renderer.prototype.init.call(this, piano); // calls resize() // create render loop var self = this; var render = function () { self.redraw(); requestAnimationFrame(render); }; requestAnimationFrame(render); // add event listeners var mouse_down = false; var last_key = null; $(piano.rootElement).mousedown(function (event) { mouse_down = true; //event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if (hit) { if (octTemp == 2 && rollTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); } else if (octTemp == 3 && rollTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); } else if (octTemp == 4 && rollTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 2), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); } else if (octTemp == 5 && rollTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 2), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 2), volume); } else if (octTemp == 6 && rollTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 2), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 2), volume); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 3), volume); } else if (octTemp == 2) { setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); }, 50); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); } else if (octTemp == 3) { setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); }, 50); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); }, 100); } else if (octTemp == 4) { setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); }, 50); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 2), volume); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); }, 150); } else if (octTemp == 5) { setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 1), volume); }, 50); press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave - 2), volume); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 1), volume); }, 150); setTimeout(function () { press(hit.key.baseNote + (hit.key.octave + 2), volume); }, 200); } else if (octTemp == 1) { press(hit.key.baseNote + hit.key.octave, volume); } last_key = hit.key; } }); piano.rootElement.addEventListener("touchstart", function (event) { mouse_down = true; //event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); for (var i in event.changedTouches) { var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if (hit) { last_key = hit.key; } } }, false); $(window).mouseup(function (event) { if (last_key) { release(last_key.note); } mouse_down = false; last_key = null; }); /*$(piano.rootElement).mousemove(function(event) { if(!mouse_down) return; var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if(hit && hit.key != last_key) { press(hit.key.note, hit.v); last_key = hit.key; } });*/ return this; }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { Renderer.prototype.resize.call(this, width, height); if (this.width < 52 * 2) this.width = 52 * 2; if (this.height < this.width * 0.2) this.height = Math.floor(this.width * 0.2); this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; // calculate key sizes this.whiteKeyWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 52); this.whiteKeyHeight = Math.floor(this.height * 0.9); this.blackKeyWidth = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyWidth * 0.75); this.blackKeyHeight = Math.floor(this.height * 0.5); this.blackKeyOffset = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyWidth - (this.blackKeyWidth / 2)); this.keyMovement = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyHeight * 0.015); this.whiteBlipWidth = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyWidth * 0.7); this.whiteBlipHeight = Math.floor(this.whiteBlipWidth * 0.8); this.whiteBlipX = Math.floor((this.whiteKeyWidth - this.whiteBlipWidth) / 2); this.whiteBlipY = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyHeight - this.whiteBlipHeight * 1.2); this.blackBlipWidth = Math.floor(this.blackKeyWidth * 0.7); this.blackBlipHeight = Math.floor(this.blackBlipWidth * 0.8); this.blackBlipY = Math.floor(this.blackKeyHeight - this.blackBlipHeight * 1.2); this.blackBlipX = Math.floor((this.blackKeyWidth - this.blackBlipWidth) / 2); // prerender white key this.whiteKeyRender = document.createElement("canvas"); this.whiteKeyRender.width = this.whiteKeyWidth; this.whiteKeyRender.height = this.height + 10; var ctx = this.whiteKeyRender.getContext("2d"); if (ctx.createLinearGradient) { var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.whiteKeyHeight); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#eee"); gradient.addColorStop(0.75, "#fff"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#dad4d4"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; } ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.strokeRect(ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.fillRect(ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); // prerender black key this.blackKeyRender = document.createElement("canvas"); this.blackKeyRender.width = this.blackKeyWidth + 10; this.blackKeyRender.height = this.blackKeyHeight + 10; var ctx = this.blackKeyRender.getContext("2d"); if (ctx.createLinearGradient) { var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.blackKeyHeight); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#000"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#444"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; } ctx.strokeStyle = "#222"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 8; ctx.strokeRect(ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.fillRect(ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); // prerender shadows this.shadowRender = []; var y = -this.canvas.height * 2; for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.shadowRender[j] = canvas; canvas.width = this.canvas.width; canvas.height = this.canvas.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var sharp = j ? true : false; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; ctx.shadowBlur = this.keyMovement * 3; ctx.shadowOffsetY = -y + this.keyMovement; if (sharp) { ctx.shadowOffsetX = this.keyMovement; } else { ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; ctx.shadowOffsetY = -y + this.keyMovement; } for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (key.sharp) { ctx.fillRect(this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial + ctx.lineWidth / 2, y + ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); } else { ctx.fillRect(this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial + ctx.lineWidth / 2, y + ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth); } } } // update key rects for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp) { key.rect = new Rect(this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial, 0, this.blackKeyWidth, this.blackKeyHeight); } else { key.rect = new Rect(this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial, 0, this.whiteKeyWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight); } } }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.visualize = function (key, color) { key.timePlayed = Date.now(); key.blips.push({ "time": key.timePlayed, "color": color }); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.redraw = function () { var now = Date.now(); var timeLoadedEnd = now - 1000; var timePlayedEnd = now - 100; var timeBlipEnd = now - 1000; this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); // draw all keys for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; this.ctx.drawImage(this.shadowRender[j], 0, 0); var sharp = j ? true : false; for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (!key.loaded) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2; } else if (key.timeLoaded > timeLoadedEnd) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = ((now - key.timeLoaded) / 1000) * 0.8 + 0.2; } else { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; } var y = 0; if (key.timePlayed > timePlayedEnd) { y = Math.floor(this.keyMovement - (((now - key.timePlayed) / 100) * this.keyMovement)); } var x = Math.floor(key.sharp ? this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial : this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial); var image = key.sharp ? this.blackKeyRender : this.whiteKeyRender; this.ctx.drawImage(image, x, y); // render blips if (key.blips.length) { var alpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha; var w, h; if (key.sharp) { x += this.blackBlipX; y = this.blackBlipY; w = this.blackBlipWidth; h = this.blackBlipHeight; } else { x += this.whiteBlipX; y = this.whiteBlipY; w = this.whiteBlipWidth; h = this.whiteBlipHeight; } for (var b = 0; b < key.blips.length; b++) { var blip = key.blips[b]; if (blip.time > timeBlipEnd) { this.ctx.fillStyle = blip.color; this.ctx.globalAlpha = alpha - ((now - blip.time) / 1000); this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } else { key.blips.splice(b, 1); --b; } y -= Math.floor(h * 1.1); } } } } this.ctx.restore(); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.getHit = function (x, y) { for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var sharp = j ? false : true; // black keys first for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (key.rect.contains(x, y)) { var v = y / (key.sharp ? this.blackKeyHeight : this.whiteKeyHeight); v += 0.25; v *= DEFAULT_VELOCITY; if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; return { "key": key, "v": v }; } } } return null; }; CanvasRenderer.isSupported = function () { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); return !!(canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d")); }; CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent = function (evt) { var element = evt.target; var offx = 0; var offy = 0; do { offx += element.offsetLeft; offy += element.offsetTop; } while (element = element.offsetParent); return { x: evt.pageX - offx, y: evt.pageY - offy } }; // Pianoctor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var PianoKey = function (note, octave) { this.note = note + octave; this.baseNote = note; this.octave = octave; this.sharp = note.indexOf("s") != -1; this.loaded = false; this.timeLoaded = 0; this.domElement = null; this.timePlayed = 0; this.blips = []; }; var Piano = function (rootElement) { var piano = this; piano.rootElement = rootElement; piano.keys = {}; var white_spatial = 0; var black_spatial = 0; var black_it = 0; var black_lut = [2, 1, 2, 1, 1]; var addKey = function (note, octave) { var key = new PianoKey(note, octave); piano.keys[key.note] = key; if (key.sharp) { key.spatial = black_spatial; black_spatial += black_lut[black_it % 5]; ++black_it; } else { key.spatial = white_spatial; ++white_spatial; } } if (test_mode) { addKey("c", 2); } else { addKey("a", -1); addKey("as", -1); addKey("b", -1); var notes = "c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b".split(" "); for (var oct = 0; oct < 7; oct++) { for (var i in notes) { addKey(notes[i], oct); } } addKey("c", 7); } var render_engine = CanvasRenderer.isSupported() ? CanvasRenderer : DOMRenderer; this.renderer = new render_engine().init(this); $(window).resize(function () { piano.renderer.resize(); }); window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || undefined; var audio_engine = (window.AudioContext === undefined) ? AudioEngineSM2 : AudioEngineWeb; // Firefox 25 supports WebAudio, but a decodeAudioData issue is blocking until 26 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=865553 var search_str = " Firefox/"; var idx = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(search_str); if (idx !== -1) { var version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(idx + search_str.length)); if (isNaN(version) || version < 26.0) { audio_engine = AudioEngineSM2; } } this.audio = new audio_engine().init(function () { for (var i in piano.keys) { if (!piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; (function () { var key = piano.keys[i]; piano.audio.load(key.note, "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/258840068/CustomSounds/Piano2/" + key.note + ".wav", function () { //Lsounds key.loaded = true; key.timeLoaded = Date.now(); if (key.domElement) // todo: move this to renderer somehow $(key.domElement).removeClass("loading"); }); })(); } }); }; Piano.prototype.play = function (note, vol, participant, delay_ms) { if (!this.keys.hasOwnProperty(note)) return; var key = this.keys[note]; /*if(gMidiLoaded) { var n_n = midiBridge.getNoteNumber("c", 2); midiBridge.sendMidiEvent(midiBridge.NOTE_ON, 1, n_n, 100); midiBridge.sendMidiEvent(midiBridge.NOTE_OFF, 1, n_n, 100); }*/ if (key.loaded) this.audio.play(key.note, vol, delay_ms, participant.id); var self = this; var jq_namediv = $(typeof participant == "undefined" ? null : participant.nameDiv); if (jq_namediv) { setTimeout(function () { self.renderer.visualize(key, typeof participant == "undefined" ? "yellow" : (participant.color || "#777")); jq_namediv.addClass("play"); setTimeout(function () { jq_namediv.removeClass("play"); }, 30); }, delay_ms); } }; Piano.prototype.stop = function (note, participant, delay_ms) { if (!this.keys.hasOwnProperty(note)) return; var key = this.keys[note]; if (key.loaded) this.audio.stop(key.note, delay_ms, participant.id); }; var gPiano = new Piano(document.getElementById("piano")); var gAutoSustain = true; //!(window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#sustain(?:#.+)*$/)); var gSustain = false; var gHeldNotes = {}; var gSustainedNotes = {}; function press(id, vol) { if (!gClient.preventsPlaying()) { if (recordingTime != 0) { recording[recordIndex] = id; recordingVolume[recordIndex] = 1; times[recordIndex++] = new Date().getTime() - recordingTime; } if (echo) { setTimeout(function () { //Add extra echos here vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 2); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 3); //4 echos /*setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 4); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 5); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 6); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 7); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 8); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); ////notes_played+=1; }, echos * 9); //10 echos setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 10); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 11); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 12); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 13); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 14); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 15); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 16); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 17); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 18); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 19); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 20); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 21); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 22); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 23); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 24); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 25); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 26); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 27); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 28); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 29); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 30); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 31); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 32); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 33); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 34); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 35); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 36); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 37); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 38); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 39); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 40); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 41); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 42); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 43); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 44); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 45); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 46); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 47); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 48); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 49); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 50); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 51); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 52); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 53); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 54); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 55); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 56); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 57); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 58); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 59); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 60); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 61); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 62); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 63); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 64); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 65); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 66); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 67); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 68); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 69); setTimeout(function () { vol /= 0; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); //notes_played+=1; }, echos * 70); } else if (jump) { setTimeout(function () { var reg = /\d+/; var notes = id.replace(reg, ""); id = notes + (parseInt(id.substring(notes.length)) + 1); gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); ////notes_played+=1; }, echos);*/ } gHeldNotes[id] = true; gSustainedNotes[id] = true; gPiano.play(id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.startNote(id, vol); ////notes_played+=1; } } function release(id) { if (gHeldNotes[id]) { gHeldNotes[id] = false; if (gAutoSustain || gSustain) { gSustainedNotes[id] = true; } else { if (gNoteQuota.spend(0)) { gPiano.stop(id, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.stopNote(id); gSustainedNotes[id] = false; } } } } function pressSustain() { gSustain = true; } function releaseSustain() { gSustain = false; if (!gAutoSustain) { for (var id in gSustainedNotes) { if (gSustainedNotes.hasOwnProperty(id) && gSustainedNotes[id] && !gHeldNotes[id]) { if (gNoteQuota.spend(0)) { gPiano.stop(id, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.stopNote(id); } } } } } // internet science //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var channel_id = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname); if (channel_id.substr(0, 1) == "/") channel_id = channel_id.substr(1); if (channel_id == "") channel_id = "lobby"; var gClient = new Client("ws://" + window.location.host); gClient.setChannel(channel_id); gClient.start(); // Setting status (function () { gClient.on("status", function (status) { $("#status").text(status); }); gClient.on("count", function (count) { if (count > 0) { $("#status").html('' + count + ' ' + (count == 1 ? 'person is' : 'people are') + ' playing'); document.title = "Piano (" + count + ")"; } else { document.title = "Multiplayer Piano"; } }); })(); // Handle changes to participants (function () { gClient.on("participant added", function (part) { part.displayX = 150; part.displayY = 50; // add nameDiv var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "name"; div.participantId = part.id; div.textContent = part.name || ""; div.style.backgroundColor = part.color || "#777"; if (gClient.participantId === part.id) { $(div).addClass("me"); } if (gClient.channel && gClient.channel.crown && gClient.channel.crown.participantId === part.id) { $(div).addClass("owner"); } if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); } div.style.display = "none"; part.nameDiv = $("#names")[0].appendChild(div); $(part.nameDiv).fadeIn(2000); // sort names var arr = $("#names .name"); arr.sort(function (a, b) { a = a.style.backgroundColor; // todo: sort based on user id instead b = b.style.backgroundColor; if (a > b) return 1; else if (a < b) return -1; else return 0; }); $("#names").html(arr); // add cursorDiv if (gClient.participantId !== part.id || gSeeOwnCursor) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "cursor"; div.style.display = "none"; part.cursorDiv = $("#cursors")[0].appendChild(div); $(part.cursorDiv).fadeIn(2000); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "name"; div.style.backgroundColor = part.color || "#777" div.textContent = part.name || ""; part.cursorDiv.appendChild(div); } else { part.cursorDiv = undefined; } }); gClient.on("participant removed", function (part) { // remove nameDiv var nd = $(part.nameDiv); var cd = $(part.cursorDiv); cd.fadeOut(2000); nd.fadeOut(2000, function () { nd.remove(); cd.remove(); part.nameDiv = undefined; part.cursorDiv = undefined; }); }); gClient.on("participant update", function (part) { var name = part.name || ""; var color = part.color || "#777"; part.nameDiv.style.backgroundColor = color; part.nameDiv.textContent = name; $(part.cursorDiv) .find(".name") .text(name) .css("background-color", color); }); gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.id === gClient.participantId) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("me"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("me"); } if (msg.ch.crown && msg.ch.crown.participantId === part.id) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("owner"); $(part.cursorDiv).addClass("owner"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("owner"); $(part.cursorDiv).removeClass("owner"); } if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); } } } }); })(); // Handle changes to crown (function () { var jqcrown = $('
').appendTo(document.body).hide(); var jqcountdown = $('').appendTo(jqcrown); var countdown_interval; jqcrown.click(function () { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown", id: gClient.participantId }]); }); gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch.crown) { var crown = msg.ch.crown; if (!crown.participantId || !gClient.ppl[crown.participantId]) { var land_time = crown.time + 2000 - gClient.serverTimeOffset; var avail_time = crown.time + 15000 - gClient.serverTimeOffset; jqcountdown.text(""); jqcrown.show(); if (land_time - Date.now() <= 0) { jqcrown.css({ "left": crown.endPos.x + "%", "top": crown.endPos.y + "%" }); } else { jqcrown.css({ "left": crown.startPos.x + "%", "top": crown.startPos.y + "%" }); jqcrown.addClass("spin"); jqcrown.animate({ "left": crown.endPos.x + "%", "top": crown.endPos.y + "%" }, 2000, "linear", function () { jqcrown.removeClass("spin"); }); } clearInterval(countdown_interval); countdown_interval = setInterval(function () { var time = Date.now(); if (time >= land_time) { var ms = avail_time - time; if (ms > 0) { jqcountdown.text(Math.ceil(ms / 1000) + "s"); } else { jqcountdown.text(""); clearInterval(countdown_interval); } } }, 1000); } else { jqcrown.hide(); } } else { jqcrown.hide(); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { jqcrown.fadeOut(2000); }); })(); // Copying notes //Lcopy //check this out /*gClient.on("n", function(msg) { var t = msg.t - gClient.serverTimeOffset + TIMING_TARGET - Date.now(); var participant = gClient.findParticipantById(msg.p); for(var i = 0; i < msg.n.length; i++) { var note = msg.n[i]; var octave = parseInt(note.n.replace( /[^\d.]/, '').replace('s', '')); var note1 = note.n.replace(/[0-9]/g, '').replace("-", ""); var ms = t + (note.d || 0); if(ms < 0) { ms = 0; } else if(ms > 10000) continue; if(note.s) { //gPiano.stop(note.n, participant, ms); } else { var vel = (typeof note.v !== "undefined")? parseFloat(note.v) : 0.4; if(vel < 0) vel = 0; else if (vel > 1) vel = 1; gPiano.play(note.n, vel, participant, ms); //sends other's notes press(note1 + (octave +1), vel); } } });*/ //playing notes gClient.on("n", function (msg) { var t = msg.t - gClient.serverTimeOffset + TIMING_TARGET - Date.now(); var participant = gClient.findParticipantById(msg.p); if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(participant._id) !== -1) return; for (var i = 0; i < msg.n.length; i++) { var note = msg.n[i]; var ms = t + (note.d || 0); if (ms < 0) { ms = 0; } else if (ms > 10000) continue; if (note.s) { gPiano.stop(note.n, participant, ms); } else { //much 1337, such skill var vel = (typeof note.v !== "undefined") ? parseFloat(note.v) : DEFAULT_VELOCITY; if (vel < 0) vel = 0; else if (vel > 1) vel = 1; gPiano.play(note.n, vel, participant, ms); } } }); // Send cursor updates var mx = 0, last_mx = -10, my = 0, last_my = -10; currentafktime = 0; setInterval(function() { currentafktime+=50; if(Math.abs(mx - last_mx) > 0.1 || Math.abs(my - last_my) > 0.1) { last_mx = mx; last_my = my; gClient.sendArray([{m: "m", x: mx, y: my}]); /*afk = 0; currentafktime = 0; } if (currentafktime>defaultafktime) { //timer and counter afk = 1;*/ } }, 50); $(document).mousemove(function(event) { mx = ((event.pageX / $(window).width()) * 100).toFixed(2); my = ((event.pageY / $(window).height()) * 100).toFixed(2); }); // Animate cursors setInterval(function () { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.cursorDiv && (Math.abs(part.x - part.displayX) > 0.1 || Math.abs(part.y - part.displayY) > 0.1)) { part.displayX += (part.x - part.displayX) * 0.75; part.displayY += (part.y - part.displayY) * 0.75; part.cursorDiv.style.left = part.displayX + "%"; part.cursorDiv.style.top = part.displayY + "%"; } } }, 50); // Room settings button (function () { gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (gClient.isOwner()) { $("#room-settings-btn").show(); } else { $("#room-settings-btn").hide(); } }); $("#room-settings-btn").click(function (evt) { //room settings button if (gClient.channel && gClient.isOwner()) { var settings = gClient.channel.settings; openModal("#room-settings"); setTimeout(function () { $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=visible]").prop("checked", settings.visible); $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=chat]").prop("checked", settings.chat); $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=crownsolo]").prop("checked", settings.crownsolo); }, 100); } }); $("#room-settings .submit").click(function () { var settings = { visible: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=visible]").is(":checked"), chat: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=chat]").is(":checked"), crownsolo: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=crownsolo]").is(":checked") }; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chset", set: settings }]); closeModal(); }); $("#room-settings .drop-crown").click(function () { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown" }]); closeModal(); }); })(); // Handle notifications gClient.on("notification", function (msg) { new Notification(msg); }); // Don't foget spin gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { var chidlo = msg.ch._id.toLowerCase(); if (chidlo === "spin" || chidlo.substr(-5) === "/spin") { $("#piano").addClass("spin"); } else { $("#piano").removeClass("spin"); } }); // Test channel for stopNote /*gClient.on("ch", function(msg) { if(msg.ch._id.match(/^test\/sustain(?:\/.*)?$/)) { gAutoSustain = false; } else { gAutoSustain = !(window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#sustain(?:#.+)*$/)) } });*/ // Crownsolo notice gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch.settings.crownsolo) { if ($("#crownsolo-notice").length == 0) { $('
').text('This room is set to "only the owner can play."').appendTo("body").fadeIn(1000); } } else { $("#crownsolo-notice").remove(); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { $("#crownsolo-notice").remove(); }); var gPianoMutes = []; var gChatMutes = []; //name and note trackers /*setTimeout(function() { //$("#chat ul").css("text-shadow","-1.2px 0 black, 0 1.2px black, 1.2px 0 black, 0 -1.2px black"); //adds black outline //document.body.style.background = '#DBFFDE'; //background colour, Logan afk = 0; var sec = 0; function submit(newname) { var set = {name: newname,color: "nouse"}; gClient.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: set}]); }; sec = 0; setInterval(function() { nowafktime = Math.round(currentafktime - defaultafktime)/1000; var a_min = Math.floor(nowafktime/60); var a_g_szek = Math.round(nowafktime-a_min*60); var a_szek = (a_g_szek>=10)?a_g_szek:"0"+a_g_szek; var a_kiir = (a_min>0)?a_min+"m"+a_szek+"s":a_szek+"s"; var min = Math.floor(sec/60); var g_szek = Math.round(sec-min*60); var szek = (g_szek>=10)?g_szek:"0"+g_szek; var kiir = (min>0)?min+"m"+szek+"s":szek+"s"; var out_afk = (afk==1)?"AFK:"+a_kiir+"":""; submit("♂ "+kiir+" ♥ "+out_afk+" "+middle_name+" ♥ "+notes_played+" notes" + " ♂"); sec+=Math.max((refresh_rate/1000),2.1); }, Math.max(refresh_rate,2100)); }, 2500); */ //name and note trackers var volume_slider = new VolumeSlider(document.getElementById("volume"), function (v) { gPiano.audio.setVolume(v); if (window.localStorage) localStorage.volume = v; }); volume_slider.set(gPiano.audio.volume); var Note = function (note, octave) { this.note = note; this.octave = octave || 0; }; var n = function (a, b) { return { note: new Note(a, b), held: false }; }; var key_binding = { //Logan, these are the keys on the piano 65: n("gs"), 90: n("a"), 83: n("as"), 88: n("b"), 67: n("c", 1), 70: n("cs", 1), 86: n("d", 1), 71: n("ds", 1), 66: n("e", 1), 78: n("f", 1), 74: n("fs", 1), 77: n("g", 1), 75: n("gs", 1), 188: n("a", 1), 76: n("as", 1), 190: n("b", 1), 191: n("c", 2), 222: n("cs", 2), 49: n("gs", 1), 81: n("a", 1), 50: n("as", 1), 87: n("b", 1), 69: n("c", 2), 52: n("cs", 2), 82: n("d", 2), 53: n("ds", 2), 84: n("e", 2), 89: n("f", 2), 55: n("fs", 2), 85: n("g", 2), 56: n("gs", 2), 73: n("a", 2), 57: n("as", 2), 79: n("b", 2), 80: n("c", 3), 189: n("cs", 3), 219: n("d", 3), 187: n("ds", 3), 221: n("e", 3) }; var capsLockKey = false; //here are some settings, Logan var gSustain = false; var keys = []; var volTemp = 1; var echos = 200; //amount of echos var echo = false; var jump = false; var recordingTime = 0; var playbackTaskID = 0; var playbackLength = 1000; var recording = []; var recordingVolume = []; var times = []; var recordIndex = 0; var playing = false; var playTaskIDs = []; function handleKeyDown(evt) { var key = evt.keyCode; keys[key] = true; // volume changing if (keys[107]) { if (volTemp > 9) { volTemp = 10; } else { volTemp = volTemp + 1; } } else if (keys[109]) { if (volTemp < -9) { voltemp = 10; } else { volTemp = volTemp - 1; } } if (keys[107]) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Note Volume", text: "Volume: " + volTemp, target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); if (volume > 1.9) { volume = 2; } else { volume = volume + 0.1; } } else if (keys[109]) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Note Volume", text: "Volume: " + volTemp, target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); if (volume < 0.2) { volume = 0.1; } else { volume = volume - 0.1; } } // multi-octave toggling if (keys[38]) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Level", text: "You are on level " + octTemp + " of the multi-note", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); if (octTemp > 4) { octTemp = 5; } else octTemp = octTemp + 1; } else if (keys[40]) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Level", text: "You are on level " + octTemp + " of the multi-note", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); if (octTemp < 2) { octTemp = 1; } else octTemp = octTemp - 1;; } // roll toggling if (keys[35] && rollTemp == 2) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Roll", text: "Roll is OFF", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); rollTemp = 1; } else if (keys[35] && rollTemp == 1) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Roll", text: "Roll is ON", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); rollTemp = 2; } // sustain toggling if (keys[45] && susTemp == 2) { susSet = "OFF"; window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Sustain", text: "Sustain is ON", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); susTemp = 1; } else if (keys[45] && susTemp == 1) { susSet = "ON"; window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Sustain", text: "Sustain is OFF", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); susTemp = 2; } if (susTemp == 2) { gAutoSustain = false; } else if (susTemp == 1) { gAutoSustain = true; } // piano moddifications var code = parseInt(evt.keyCode); if (echoTemp == 2 && code == 220) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Echo", text: "Echo is OFF", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); echoTemp = 1; } else if (echoTemp == 1 && code == 220) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Echo", text: "Echo is ON", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); echoTemp = 2; } if (jumpTemp == 2 && code == 8) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Jump", text: "Jump is OFF", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); jumpTemp = 1; } else if (jumpTemp == 1 && code == 8) { window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Jump", text: "Jump is ON", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); jumpTemp = 2; } if (volume > 5) { volume = 5; } if (code == 220) { echo = !echo; } else if (code == 8) { jump = !jump; } else if (code == 39) { if (delayTemp > 6) { delayTemp == 7; } else { delayTemp = delayTemp + 1; } if (echos > 0) { //300 echos = 0; //350 } else { echos = echos + 0; //50 } window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Echo/Jump Level", text: "Echo/Jump delay level: " + delayTemp, target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); } else if (code == 37) { if (delayTemp < 2) { delayTemp == 1; } else { delayTemp = delayTemp - 1; } echos = Math.max(50, echos - 50); window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Echo/Jump Level", text: "Echo/Jump delay level: " + delayTemp, target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); } if (code == 46) { playing = false; window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Recording", text: "Now Recording", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); if (recordingTime == 0) { recording = []; recordingVolume = []; times = []; recordIndex = 0; recordingTime = new Date().getTime(); } else { playbackLength = new Date().getTime() - recordingTime; recordingTime = 0; } } else if (code == 36) { playing = !playing; recordingTime = 0; clearInterval(playbackTaskID); //console.log(playTaskIDs); //comment out if spamming for (var i = 0; i < playTaskIDs.length; i++) { clearTimeout(playTaskIDs[i]); //console.log(i); //commented out because it's spamming window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Playback", text: "Starting/Stopping", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); } playTaskIDs = []; if (playing) { anonFunc = function (i) { press(recording[i], recordingVolume[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < recording.length; i++) { playTaskIDs[i] = setTimeout(anonFunc, times[i], i); window.gTest = setTimeout(function () { window.gTest = new Notification({ title: "Playback", text: "Starting/Stopping", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 1000 }); }, 1); } } } if (key_binding[code] !== undefined) { var binding = key_binding[code]; if (!binding.held) { binding.held = true; if (gNoteQuota.spend(0)) { var note = binding.note; var octave = 1 + note.octave; // extra octaves if (keys[16])++octave; else if (keys[32])--octave == --octave + -octave; else if (keys[18])++octave == ++octave + +octave; else if (keys[192])++octave == ++octave + ++octave; else if (capsLockKey)--octave; var note = note.note; var vol = volume; // octave adding if (volume > 5) { volume = 5; } if (octTemp == 2 && rollTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); } else if (octTemp == 3 && rollTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); press(note + (octave + 1), vol); } else if (octTemp == 4 && rollTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); press(note + (octave - 2), vol); press(note + (octave + 1), vol); } else if (octTemp == 5 && rollTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); press(note + (octave - 2), vol); press(note + (octave + 1), vol); press(note + (octave + 2), vol); } else if (octTemp == 6 && rollTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); press(note + (octave - 2), vol); press(note + (octave + 1), vol); press(note + (octave + 2), vol); press(note + (octave + 3), vol); } else if (octTemp == 2) { setTimeout(function () { press(note + octave, vol); }, 50); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); } else if (octTemp == 3) { setTimeout(function () { press(note + octave, vol); }, 50); press(note + (octave - 1), vol); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave + 1), vol); }, 100); } else if (octTemp == 4) { setTimeout(function () { press(note + octave, vol); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave - 1), vol); }, 50); press(note + (octave - 2), vol); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave + 1), vol); }, 150); } else if (octTemp == 5) { setTimeout(function () { press(note + octave, vol); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave - 1), vol); }, 50); press(note + (octave - 2), vol); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave + 1), vol); }, 150); setTimeout(function () { press(note + (octave + 2), vol); }, 200); } else if (octTemp == 1) { press(note + octave, vol); } } } if (++gKeyboardSeq == 3) { gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboard = true; if (window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout) clearTimeout(gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout); if (localStorage) localStorage.knowsYouCanUseKeyboard = true; if (window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification) gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification.close(); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if (code == 20) { // Caps Lock capsLockKey = true; evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code === 0x20) { // Space Bar evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code == 9) { // Tab (don't tab away from the piano) evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code == 8) { // Backspace (don't navigate Back) evt.preventDefault(); } }; var keys = []; function handleKeyUp(evt) { var key = evt.keyCode; keys[key] = false; var code = parseInt(evt.keyCode); if (key_binding[code] !== undefined) { var binding = key_binding[code]; if (binding.held) { keys[key] = false; binding.held = false; if (!gAutoSustain && !gSustain) { if (gNoteQuota.spend(octTemp)) { var note = binding.note; var octave = 1 + note.octave; // extra octaves if (keys[32])--octave == --octave + -octave; else if (keys[18])++octave == ++octave + +octave; else if (keys[192])++octave == ++octave + ++octave; else if (capsLockKey)--octave; var note = note.note; // octave adding if (octTemp == 2 && rollTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); release(note + (octave - 1)); } else if (octTemp == 3 && rollTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); release(note + (octave - 1)); release(note + (octave + 1)); } else if (octTemp == 4 && rollTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); release(note + (octave - 1)); release(note + (octave - 2)); release(note + (octave + 1)); } else if (octTemp == 5 && rollTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); release(note + (octave - 1)); release(note + (octave - 2)); release(note + (octave + 1)); release(note + (octave + 2)); } else if (octTemp == 6 && rollTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); release(note + (octave - 1)); release(note + (octave - 2)); release(note + (octave + 1)); release(note + (octave + 2)); release(note + (octave + 3)); } else if (octTemp == 2) { setTimeout(function () { release(note + octave); }, 50); release(note + (octave - 1)); } else if (octTemp == 3) { setTimeout(function () { release(note + octave); }, 50); release(note + (octave - 1)); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave + 1)); }, 100); } else if (octTemp == 4) { setTimeout(function () { release(note + octave); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave - 1)); }, 50); release(note + (octave - 2)); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave + 1)); }, 150); } else if (octTemp == 5) { setTimeout(function () { release(note + octave); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave - 1)); }, 50); release(note + (octave - 2)); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave + 1)); }, 150); setTimeout(function () { release(note + (octave + 2)); }, 200); } else if (octTemp == 1) { release(note + octave); } } } } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if (code == 20) { // Caps Lock capsLockKey = false; evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code === 0x20) { // Space Bar evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code == 8) { // Backspace (don't navigate Back) evt.preventDefault(); } }; function handleKeyPress(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.keyCode == 27 || evt.keyCode == 13) { //$("#chat input").focus(); } return false; }; var recapListener = function (evt) { captureKeyboard(); }; function captureKeyboard() { $("#piano").off("mousedown", recapListener); $("#piano").off("touchstart", recapListener); $(document).on("keydown", handleKeyDown); $(document).on("keyup", handleKeyUp); $(window).on("keypress", handleKeyPress); }; function releaseKeyboard() { $(document).off("keydown", handleKeyDown); $(document).off("keyup", handleKeyUp); $(window).off("keypress", handleKeyPress); $("#piano").on("mousedown", recapListener); $("#piano").on("touchstart", recapListener); }; captureKeyboard(); var velocityFromMouseY = function () { return 0.1 + (my / 100) * 0.6; }; // NoteQuota var gNoteQuota = (function () { var last_rat = 0; var nqjq = $("#quota .value"); setInterval(function () { gNoteQuota.tick(); }, 2000); return new NoteQuota(function (points) { // update UI var rat = (points / this.max) * 100; // 100 if (rat <= last_rat) nqjq.stop(true, true).css("width", rat.toFixed(0) + "%"); else nqjq.stop(true, true).animate({ "width": rat.toFixed(0) + "%" }, 2000, "linear"); last_rat = rat; }); })(); gClient.on("nq", function (nq_params) { gNoteQuota.setParams(nq_params); }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { gNoteQuota.setParams(NoteQuota.PARAMS_OFFLINE); }); // click participant names (function () { var ele = document.getElementById("names"); var touchhandler = function (e) { var target_jq = $(e.target); if (target_jq.hasClass("name")) { target_jq.addClass("play"); if (e.target.participantId == gClient.participantId) { openModal("#rename", "input[name=name]"); setTimeout(function () { $("#rename input[name=name]").val(gClient.ppl[gClient.participantId].name); $("#rename input[name=color]").val(gClient.ppl[gClient.participantId].color); }, 100); } else if (e.target.participantId) { var id = e.target.participantId; var part = gClient.ppl[id] || null; if (part) { participantMenu(part); e.stopPropagation(); } } } }; ele.addEventListener("mousedown", touchhandler); ele.addEventListener("touchstart", touchhandler); var releasehandler = function (e) { $("#names .name").removeClass("play"); }; document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", releasehandler); document.body.addEventListener("touchend", releasehandler); var removeParticipantMenus = function () { $(".participant-menu").remove(); $(".participantSpotlight").hide(); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", removeParticipantMenus); document.removeEventListener("touchstart", removeParticipantMenus); }; var participantMenu = function (part) { if (!part) return; removeParticipantMenus(); document.addEventListener("mousedown", removeParticipantMenus); document.addEventListener("touchstart", removeParticipantMenus); $("#" + part.id).find(".enemySpotlight").show(); var menu = $('
'); $("body").append(menu); // move menu to name position var jq_nd = $(part.nameDiv); var pos = jq_nd.position(); menu.css({ "top": pos.top + jq_nd.height() + 15, "left": pos.left + 6, "background": part.color || "black" }); menu.on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); var target = $(evt.target); if (target.hasClass("menu-item")) { target.addClass("clicked"); menu.fadeOut(200, function () { removeParticipantMenus(); }); } }); // this spaces stuff out but also can be used for informational $('
').appendTo(menu).text(part._id); // add menu items if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) == -1) { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gPianoMutes.push(part._id); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); }); } else { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gPianoMutes.splice(i, 1); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); }); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) == -1) { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gChatMutes.push(part._id); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); }); } else { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gChatMutes.splice(i, 1); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); }); } if (!(gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0) || !(gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0)) { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gPianoMutes.push(part._id); gChatMutes.push(part._id); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); }); } if ((gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0) || (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0)) { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gPianoMutes.splice(i, 1); while ((i = gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gChatMutes.splice(i, 1); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); }); } if (gClient.isOwner()) { $('').appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown", id: part.id }]); }); } menu.fadeIn(100); }; })(); // Notification class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Notification = function (par) { EventEmitter.call(this); var par = par || {}; this.id = "Notification-" + (par.id || Math.random()); this.title = par.title || ""; this.text = par.text || ""; this.html = par.html || ""; this.target = $(par.target || "#piano"); this.duration = par.duration || 30000; var self = this; var eles = $("#" + this.id); if (eles.length > 0) { eles.remove(); } this.domElement = $('
' + '
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"); info.attr("roomname", room._id); $("#room .more").append(info); } info.text(room._id + " (" + room.count + ")"); if (room.settings.lobby) info.addClass("lobby"); else info.removeClass("lobby"); if (!room.settings.chat) info.addClass("no-chat"); else info.removeClass("no-chat"); if (room.settings.crownsolo) info.addClass("crownsolo"); else info.removeClass("crownsolo"); if (!room.settings.visible) info.addClass("not-visible"); else info.removeClass("not-visible"); } }); $("#room").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); // clicks on a new room if ($(evt.target).hasClass("info") && $(evt.target).parents(".more").length) { $("#room .more").fadeOut(250); var selected_name = $(evt.target).attr("roomname"); if (typeof selected_name != "undefined") { changeRoom(selected_name, "right"); } return false; } // clicks on "New Room..." else if ($(evt.target).hasClass("new")) { openModal("#new-room", "input[name=name]"); } // all other clicks var doc_click = function (evt) { $(document).off("mousedown", doc_click); $("#room .more").fadeOut(250); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "-ls" }]); } $(document).on("mousedown", doc_click); $("#room .more .info").remove(); $("#room .more").show(); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "+ls" }]); }); $("#new-room-btn").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); openModal("#new-room", "input[name=name]"); }); $("#play-alone-btn").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); var room_name = "Room" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000000); changeRoom(room_name, "right", { "visible": false, "chat": true, "crownsolo": false }); setTimeout(function () { new Notification({ id: "share", title: "Playing alone", html: 'You are playing alone in a room by yourself, but you can always invite \ friends by sending them the link.

\ Share on Facebook

\ Tweet', duration: 25000 }); }, 1000); }); var gModal; function modalHandleEsc(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } }; function openModal(selector, focus) { chat.blur(); releaseKeyboard(); $(document).on("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); $("#modal").fadeIn(250); $(selector).show(); setTimeout(function () { $(selector).find(focus).focus(); }, 100); gModal = selector; }; function closeModal() { $(document).off("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal").fadeOut(100); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); captureKeyboard(); gModal = null; }; var modal_bg = $("#modal .bg")[0]; $(modal_bg).on("click", function (evt) { if (evt.target != modal_bg) return; closeModal(); }); (function () { function submit() { var name = $("#new-room .text[name=name]").val(); var settings = { visible: $("#new-room .checkbox[name=visible]").is(":checked"), chat: true, crownsolo: false }; $("#new-room .text[name=name]").val(""); closeModal(); changeRoom(name, "right", settings); setTimeout(function () { new Notification({ id: "share", title: "Created a Room", html: 'You can invite friends to your room by sending them the link.

\ Share on Facebook

\ Tweet', duration: 25000 }); }, 1000); }; $("#new-room .submit").click(function (evt) { submit(); }); $("#new-room .text[name=name]").keypress(function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { submit(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); } else { return; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; }); })(); function changeRoom(name, direction, settings, push) { if (!settings) settings = {}; if (!direction) direction = "right"; if (typeof push == "undefined") push = true; var opposite = direction == "left" ? "right" : "left"; if (name == "") name = "lobby"; //the lobby if (gClient.channel && gClient.channel._id === name) return; if (push) { var url = "/" + encodeURIComponent(name).replace("'", "%27"); if (window.history && history.pushState) { history.pushState({ "depth": gHistoryDepth += 1, "name": name }, "Piano > " + name, url); } else { window.location = url; return; } } gClient.setChannel(name, settings); var t = 0, d = 100; $("#piano").addClass("ease-out").addClass("slide-" + opposite); setTimeout(function () { $("#piano").removeClass("ease-out").removeClass("slide-" + opposite).addClass("slide-" + direction); }, t += d); setTimeout(function () { $("#piano").addClass("ease-in").removeClass("slide-" + direction); }, t += d); setTimeout(function () { $("#piano").removeClass("ease-in"); }, t += d); }; var gHistoryDepth = 0; $(window).on("popstate", function (evt) { var depth = evt.state ? evt.state.depth : 0; if (depth == gHistoryDepth) return; // <-- forgot why I did that though... var direction = depth <= gHistoryDepth ? "left" : "right"; gHistoryDepth = depth; var name = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname); if (name.substr(0, 1) == "/") name = name.substr(1); changeRoom(name, direction, null, false); }); // Rename //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { function submit() { var set = { name: $("#rename input[name=name]").val(), color: $("#rename input[name=color]").val() }; //$("#rename .text[name=name]").val(""); closeModal(); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "userset", set: set }]); }; $("#rename .submit").click(function (evt) { submit(); }); $("#rename .text[name=name]").keypress(function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { submit(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); } else { return; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; }); })(); // chatctor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var chat = (function () { gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch.settings.chat) { chat.show(); } else { chat.hide(); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function (msg) { chat.hide(); }); gClient.on("c", function (msg) { chat.clear(); if (msg.c) { for (var i = 0; i < msg.c.length; i++) { chat.receive(msg.c[i]); } } }); var WAIT_MS = 3000; var last_known_channel = undefined; var wait_until = Infinity; gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch._id !== last_known_channel) { last_known_channel = msg.ch._id; wait_until = Date.now() + WAIT_MS; } }); var ops = ["0f82dc6974d622aff76b485b", "59dcad53d48a5ecf2e28bc5c", "4e28d8736f8a464ada652896", "055d6b2c103788e10e71ad11", "9a970aff2874f4d09cb616e8", "3ea51c0ef9b6efe3a4c19138", "a2a712be5259af673214a7ee", "d7ba46192a01185c3692b9b6", "055d6b2c103788e10e71ad11", "e312b42da7f017a27e07d633", "b331e6b9d52cbbd54d0a8af7", "702529fb2d0a2d498c7b9e15", '216566dcb68e8c6477be0120', 'f21df3256d1b086463f6bfcd', '21cd2eb5fb3e271c7f48fa94', '3eda8faee5b69cd757cb74ef']; //here you can add default ops var banned = ["fcbe507228b92764e23ef42b", "27aecd90c67f5a59a9609ccc"]; //here you can add default bans var WAIT_MS = 3000; var last_known_channel = undefined; var wait_until = Infinity; var date = new Date(); var lvltmp = new Array(); var healthtmp = new Array(); function youwin(name1, name2, color, total) { var saythis = name1 + " was killed by " + name2; /* if (Math.random() < (total - 1.0 * lvltmp[color]) / (total + lvltmp[color] * 2)) { lvltmp[color] = lvltmp[color] + 1; saythis += ", and " + name2 + " levelled up to level " + lvltmp[color]; }*/ gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: saythis }]); } var WAIT_MS = 3000; var last_known_channel = undefined; var wait_until = Infinity; var welcTemp = false; //turn on welcoming by default false = no var disabled = true; //turn on and off chat commands by default true = on gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch._id !== last_known_channel) { last_known_channel = msg.ch._id; wait_until = Date.now() + WAIT_MS; } }); gClient.on("ls", function (ls) {}); gClient.on("participant added", function (part) { if (Date.now() > wait_until) { setTimeout(function () { if (Date.now() > wait_until) { if (welcTemp) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Welcome " + part.name + ", Type !help for some commands, type !tip for tips on piano or type !motd for 'the message of the day' c:" //message: "Welcome " + part.name + ", Type !help for some commands, type !tip for tips on piano or type !motd for 'the message of the day' c:" }]); } else {} } }, 100); } }); //Command List gClient.on("a", function (msg) { console.log(msg.p.name + "@@" + msg.p._id + ": " + msg.a); var commands = ["motd", "poke", "time", "joke", "party", "tip", "grammar", "me", "highfive", "suicide", "kill", "face", "gift", "grouphug", "musicsheets (!ms)", "quote", "funny quote (!fq)", "about (!info)", "clap", "slowclap", "dice (!roll)", "color (!colour)", "hug", "kiss", "cuddle", "sleep", "wake", "eat", "drink", "cry", "list", "slap", "facepalm", "duel", "stab", "attack", "unicode", "ctof (celsius to fahrenheit)", "ftoc (fahrenheit to celsius)", "random", "version"]; var admincmds = ["rename", "setname", "user", "say", "welcomes (!welcome)", "ban", "alert", "unban", "op", "deop", "bot (turns chat commands off)"]; var message = msg.a; var name = msg.p.name; var names = msg.p; var speed = 6; //For dice and other such var random = 10000; var doublespeed = 1.0; var asdf = msg.a.substring(8).trim().toLowerCase(); //Not sure what this is. var color = msg.p.color; var ids = msg.p._id; var matched = false; if (banned.indexOf(ids) !== -1) matched = true; var opped = false; //Logan, when this is true everyone is an op by default if (ops.indexOf(ids) !== -1) opped = true; if (message.indexOf("#") != -1) { try { speed = parseInt(message.substring(message.indexOf("#") + 1)); doublespeed = message.substring(message.indexOf("#") + 1); message = message.substring(0, message.indexOf("#") - 1); // socket.emit("a", message); } catch (err) { //speed = 100; //doublespeed = 1.0 //message = message.substring(0, message.substring("#") - 1); } } if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!bot") { if (opped) { if (!disabled) { disabled = !disabled; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Chat bot enabled." }]); } else { disabled = !disabled; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Chat bot disabled." }]); } } else if (disabled && !opped) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to enable/disable the command bot." }]); } else {} } else if (disabled) { if (message.substring(0, 1) == "!" && matched) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is banned from using commands" }]); //========================= LIST O' ERRORS ============================// } else if (message.substring(0, 1) == "!" && name.substring(0, 1) == "!") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Error 1: You have a ! (exclamation mark) at the beginning your name, please remove it to use commands." }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "/p ") { //errors gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Sorry, "+ name + ". I cannot play any mid files. Join an NMPB room if you want to. For a list of valid commands type !help" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "/s ") { //errors gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Sorry, "+ name + ". I cannot search mid files. Join an NMPB room if you want to. For a list of valid commands type !help" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "/help") { //errors gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Sorry, "+ name + ". This bot uses '!help' not '/help'" }]); //========================= LIST O' ERRORS ============================// } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!help") { var cmds = "!" + commands[0]; var adminstring = "!" + admincmds[0]; for (i = 1; i < commands.length; i++) { cmds += ", !" + commands[i]; } for (o = 1; o < admincmds.length; o++) { adminstring += ", !" + admincmds[o]; } if (opped) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Commands are: " + cmds }]); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Admin commands are: " + adminstring }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Commands are: " + cmds }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!user") { if (opped) { var target_name_lowercase = message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "User Info: Name: " + target_participant.name + " _id: " + target_participant._id + " Colour: " + new Color(target_participant.color).getName() + " (" + target_participant.color + ")" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "User Info: Name: " + msg.p.name + " _id: " + msg.p._id + " Colour: " + new Color(msg.p.color).getName() + " (" + msg.p.color + ")" + "You can also type !user Name_Here" }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to view details on a user." }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "!grouphug" || message.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "!group hug") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " gave everyone a hug!" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!dice" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!roll") { if (speed == 0) { speed = 1; } console.log(message.substring(9).trim()) if (isNaN(speed)) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Invalid Number." }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Dice: ​" + name + " rolled a " + Math.floor(Math.random() * speed + 1) + " out of " + speed }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!random") { if (random == 0) { random = 1; } console.log(message.substring(9).trim()) if (isNaN(random)) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Invalid Number." }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Random Numbers: ​" + Math.floor(Math.random() * random + 1) }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "!me") { if (message.substring(3).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !me action" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "*" + name + " " + message.substring(4).trim() + "*" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!about" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!info") { //about command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Info: This is a chat bot originally created by electrashave aka ThatOneKartoffel (and edited by LoganNZL). It is programmed with JavaScript. (Version 3.0)" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!party") { //party command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is hosting a party!" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!eat") { //eat command var textArray = [' ate some cheese', ' ate some cake', ' ate a cupcake', ' ate some grilled cheese', ' ate a sandwich', ' ate some chips', ' ate some popcorn', ' ate an apple', ' ate a carrot', ' ate a potato', ' ate some human flesh', ' ate some chicken', ' ate some beef', ' ate some pork', ' ate some grass', ' ate some fish', ' ate some pizza', ' ate some stew', ' ate some bread', ' ate an orange', ' ate some peanut butter and jelly' , ' ate some french toast' , ' ate some honey toast' , ' ate some skittles' , ' ate some buttered toast' , ' ate some taco' , ' ate some sushi' , ' ate a cookie' , ' ate a gold fish' , ' ate some hot cheetos' , ' ate some eyeballs' , ' ate some celery' , ' ate a tomato' , ' ate some pancakes' , ' ate some waffles', ' ate some eggs', ' ate some chocolate', ' ate a bagel', ' ate a pie', ' ate a hotdog', ' ate some pineapple', ' ate some bacon', ' ate some oatmeal', ' ate a sausage', ' ate some rice', ' ate some broccoli', ' ate a turky breast', ' ate some spaghetti']; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!drink") { //drink command var textArray = [' drunk some apple juice', ' drunk some orange juice', ' drunk some potato juice', ' drunk some brain fluid', ' drunk some milk', ' drunk some soda', ' drunk some wine', ' drunk some beer', ' drunk some lemonade', ' drunk some mysterious liquid', ' drunk some water', ' drunk some paint', ' drunk some coffee', ' drunk a smoothie', ' drunk a cocktail', ' drunk some rum', ' drunk some vodka', ' drunk some ale', ' drunk a slushy', ' drunk a slerpy', ' drunk some milkshake', ' drunk some fish paste', ' drunk some cola', ' drunk some dr pepper', ' drunk some fanta', ' drunk some mt dew', ' drunk some bubble tea :3', ' drunk a latte macchiato', ' drunk a raspberry shake', ' drunk a bananna shake', ' drunk an apple shake', ' drunk grape shake', ' drunk some animal blood', ' drunk some lava', ' drunk some purified water', ]; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!cry") { //cry command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is crying :'(" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!sleep") { //sleep command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " is asleep :3" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!wake") { //wake command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " woke up O_O" }]); /*} else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":l") { //might be happy command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" might be happy" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":s") { //sick command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is sick" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ">:d" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!evil" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ">:)" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ">:}" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ">:]") { //evil command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is feeling evil" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":)" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "c:" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "(:" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":v" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":d" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":>" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":]" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":}" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":p" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "xd" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "x3" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":3" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":-)" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":-]" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":->" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "^_^" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "^-^" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "^.^" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "=P" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "=D") { //happy chat auto detect gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is happy" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":(" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":c" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "):" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":<" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":'c" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":'(" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ")':" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "]':" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "}':" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":'[" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":'{" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":-(" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ":-[") { //sad chat auto detect gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is sad" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ";)" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "(;" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "c;" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "[;" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ";]" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ";)") { //wink command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" winked" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "d:" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "d':") { //scared command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is scared" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "-.-" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "-_-" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "°-°" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == ">_<" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "._." || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "-__-" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == ".__." || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == ">__<" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "<_>" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "<__>") { //stiff face command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" has a stiff face..." }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "x_x" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "x-x" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "x|" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "'x_x'") { //dead command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is dead" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "o_o" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "o.o" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "o-o") { //surprised command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is surprised" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "rolf") { //lol command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is rolling on the floor laughing" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "haha") { //haha command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is laughing" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "666" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!666") { //666 command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is feeling devilish >:D" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() == "♥") { //loving command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is feeling loving" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "huehue" || message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == ":e") { //weird command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +" is being weird" }]);*/ //END OF IS HAPPY STUFF } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!motd") { //motd command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "MOTD: Piano with quarter tones! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5sI-s4E9js" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!version") { //version command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Version 3.0 Changelog: Moved note counter and other stuff over fixed !colour for others, added a lot more secret commands not listed c:" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!time") { //date command, thanks for the idea Bot, and I did it! I actually did something :D gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "This bot has been on since: " + date }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() == "!p") {//test dont forget caps ( works but Make this loop later) //Lplay var i=0; var A=2; //6 //skips the !p part var B=3; //7 //skips the !p part var Speed=100; while (i<=505) { //times it loops through if (message.substring(A,B)== "/") {setTimeout(function() { press("a-1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B)== "/") {setTimeout(function() { press("as-1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B)== "z") {setTimeout(function() { press("a1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "a") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "s") {setTimeout(function() { press("as1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "f") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "g") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "x") {setTimeout(function() { press("b1")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "c") {setTimeout(function() { press("c2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "v") {setTimeout(function() { press("d2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "b") {setTimeout(function() { press("e2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "n") {setTimeout(function() { press("f2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "j") {setTimeout(function() { press("fs2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "k") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "1") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "l") {setTimeout(function() { press("as2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "2") {setTimeout(function() { press("as2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "m") {setTimeout(function() { press("g2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== ",") {setTimeout(function() { press("a2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== ".") {setTimeout(function() { press("b2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "/") {setTimeout(function() { press("c3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "q") {setTimeout(function() { press("a2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "w") {setTimeout(function() { press("b2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "e") {setTimeout(function() { press("c3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "4") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "5") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "7") {setTimeout(function() { press("fs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "8") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "9") {setTimeout(function() { press("as3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "-") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "=") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "r") {setTimeout(function() { press("d3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "t") {setTimeout(function() { press("e3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "y") {setTimeout(function() { press("f3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "u") {setTimeout(function() { press("g3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "i") {setTimeout(function() { press("a3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "o") {setTimeout(function() { press("b3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "p") {setTimeout(function() { press("c4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "[") {setTimeout(function() { press("d4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "]") {setTimeout(function() { press("e4")}, Speed);} //shift if (message.substring(A,B)== "Z") {setTimeout(function() { press("a2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "A") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "S") {setTimeout(function() { press("as2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "F") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "G") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "X") {setTimeout(function() { press("b2")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "C") {setTimeout(function() { press("c3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "V") {setTimeout(function() { press("d3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "B") {setTimeout(function() { press("e3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "N") {setTimeout(function() { press("f3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "J") {setTimeout(function() { press("fs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "K") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "!") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "L") {setTimeout(function() { press("as3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "@") {setTimeout(function() { press("as3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "M") {setTimeout(function() { press("g3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "<") {setTimeout(function() { press("a3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== ">") {setTimeout(function() { press("b3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "?") {setTimeout(function() { press("c4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "Q") {setTimeout(function() { press("a3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "W") {setTimeout(function() { press("b3")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "E") {setTimeout(function() { press("c4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "$") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "%") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "&") {setTimeout(function() { press("fs4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "*") {setTimeout(function() { press("gs4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "(") {setTimeout(function() { press("as4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "_") {setTimeout(function() { press("cs5")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "+") {setTimeout(function() { press("ds5")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "R") {setTimeout(function() { press("d4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "T") {setTimeout(function() { press("e4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "Y") {setTimeout(function() { press("f4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "U") {setTimeout(function() { press("g4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B )== "I") {setTimeout(function() { press("a4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "O") {setTimeout(function() { press("b4")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "P") {setTimeout(function() { press("c5")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "{") {setTimeout(function() { press("d5")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == "}") {setTimeout(function() { press("e5")}, Speed);} if (message.substring(A,B ) == " ") {setTimeout(function() { press(" ")}, Speed);} //can be used multiple times even though it doesn't space out in chat A+=1; B+=1; Speed+=100; i++;}//loop } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!fuck" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!ass" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!shit" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!cunt" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!dick" || message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!asshole" || message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!dipshit" || message.substring(0, 14).toLowerCase() == "!mother fucker" || message.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "!screw you" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!faggot" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!noob" || message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!moron" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!stupid" || message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!bitch" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!poo" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!jizz" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!twat" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!wank" || message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!sex" || message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!pussy" || message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!nipple" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!boob" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!crap" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!cock" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!nigger" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!ƒuck" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!ƒaggot" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!vagina" || message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!vágina" || message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!penis") { //fuck command ƒ gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name +", Naughty!" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!tip") { //tip command var textArray = ['Tip: you can toggle sustain by pressing BACKSPACE.', 'Tip: you can shift octaves by holding either SHIFT, ALT, CTRL & CAPSLOCK.', 'Tip: you can click on your name to change it.', 'Tip: if another player is annoying you, you can click their name and mute their notes and/or chat.', 'Tip: QZ, WX, EC and RV ect.. are all octaves apart.', 'Tip: the sound of your notes is relative to your mouse position. eg high = quite notes, low = loud notes. (unless you’re using a midi piano)', 'Tip: if someone’s mouse is in the bottom left that means they haven’t moved their mouse since you’ve connected.', 'Tip: multiplayerpiano works best and lags least with Google chrome: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/', 'If you’re on MIDI and it randomly stops working. Try going to the java control panel and removing the permission and adding it again']; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!grammar") { //grammar command var textArray = ['Gramar Nazi: "Alot" is not a word', 'Grammar Nazi: There: Noun; A place that is not here. // Their: Adjective; Something belongs to "them." // They’re: Contraction; They are.', 'Grammar Nazi: It’s: Contraction for it is. // Its: "It" possesses something.', 'Grammar Nazi: use the word "An" when the next word has a vowel sound. With a few exceptions like "utopia" which has a "Y" sound.', 'Grammar Nazi: Don’t add an apostrophe when the word is a plural!', 'Grammar Nazi: Let’s eat grandma. Let’s eat, grandma. Lesson learned: Don’t eat grandma and put a comma.', 'Grammar Nazi: “Attain” means “reach” and “obtain” means “get.” You attain a mountaintop, but obtain a rare baseball card.', 'Grammar Nazi: “As of yet” is a windy and pretentious substitute for plain old English “yet” or “as yet,” an unjustified extension of the pattern in sentences like “as of Friday the 27th of May.”', 'Grammar Nazi: The casual spellings “altho” and “tho” are not acceptable in formal or edited English. Stick with “although” and “though.”', 'Grammar Nazi: A “bazaar” is a market where miscellaneous goods are sold. “Bizarre,” in contrast, is an adjective meaning “strange,” “weird.”', 'Grammar Nazi: “Calvary,” always capitalized, is the hill on which Jesus was crucified. It means “hill of skulls.” Soldiers mounted on horseback are cavalry.', 'Grammar Nazi: In the US the barrier preventing a flood is called a “dike.” “Dyke” is a term for a type of lesbian, generally considered insulting but adopted as a label for themselves by some lesbians. Nom nom nom', 'Grammar Nazi: Although “dove” is a common form of the past tense of “dive,” a few authorities consider “dived” preferable in formal writing.', 'Grammar Nazi: An “epoch” is a long period of time, like the Pleistocene Epoch', 'Grammar Nazi: Pitfall, a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.', 'Grammar Nazi: When you shift to a new topic or activity, you segue. Many people unfamiliar with the unusual Italian spelling of the word misspell it as “segway.” This error is being encouraged by the deliberately punning name used by the manufacturers of the Segway Human Transporter.', 'Grammar Nazi: Tiramisù is Italian for “pick me up,” and is the name of a popular modern Italian dessert, commonly misspelled as tirimisù, which gives it a slightly Japanese air. The Japanese love tiramisù, but although they sometimes make it with green tea rather than coffee this misspelling isn’t their fault.', 'Grammar Nazi: In formal fencing matches, when someone is hit by an opponent’s sword it is traditional for the person hit to cry out touché (French for “touched”) to acknowledge that fact. In other contexts, we may say touché when somebody scores a point against us in an argument, or otherwise skewers us verbally.', 'Grammar Nazi: “Xmas” is not originally an attempt to exclude Christ from Christmas, but uses an abbreviation of the Greek spelling of the word “Christ” with the “X” representing the Greek letter chi. However, so few people know this that it is probably better not to use this popular abbreviation in religious contexts. So quit your bitching!', 'Grammar Nazi: In some dialects it’s common to say “you’ve got a ways to go before you’ve saved enough to buy a Miata,” but in standard English it’s “a way to go.”', 'Grammar Nazi: Than is a comparision. Then is time based.']; //’ (apostrophe) //add these: http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!grammer") { //grammer command for idiots var textArray = ['Close, but no cigar!', 'Nice going...', 'You moronic fool!', 'Even slurp the squid can spell grammar!', 'Grammar* You idiot!', 'You, sir are not educated!']; //’ (apostrophe) //add these: http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!joke") { //joke command var textArray = ['You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish!', 'What sounds does a Bee make? A B#!', 'What do you get when you drop a piano on an army base? A flat major!', 'A note left for a pianist from his wife: “Gone Chopin, (have Liszt), Bach in a Minuet.”', 'What did a piano player say to a tightrope walker? You better C sharp or you’ll B flat!', 'What do you call a fish musician? A piano tuna!', 'Why was the piano player arrested? Because he got into treble.', 'What’s the difference between a piano and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a piano.', 'Did you hear about the circus fire? It was in tents! (Intense)', 'Two guys walk into a bar... the 3rd guy ducked!', 'A blonde gets her haircut while wearing a pair of headphones. The hairdresser asks her to take them off, but she protests that she’ll die without them. The hairdresser sighs, and starts cutting the hair around the headphones. Soon, the blonde falls asleep, and the hairdresser removes the headphones. A few minutes later, the blonde collapses, dead on the floor. Alarmed, the hairdresser puts the headphones to his ear and hears, "Breathe in. Breathe out."', 'Yo Mama’s so fat, it takes 2 trains and a bus to get to her good side.']; //’ (apostrophe) //Thanks to various people giving me some awesome jokes on MPP! var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!ctof") { //temp var fTemp = message.substring(6).trim() * (9 / 5) + 32; var outcome = fTemp.toString(); if (message.substring(6).trim() == "" || isNaN(fTemp)) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !ctof temperature eg: 32" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: outcome.substring(0, 100) }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!ftoc") { //temp var cTemp = (message.substring(6).trim() - 32) * (5 / 9); var outcome = cTemp.toString(); if (message.substring(6).trim() == "" || isNaN(cTemp)) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !ftoc temperature here eg: 74" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: outcome.substring(0, 100) }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!poke") { //poke var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !poke Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot poke yourself!" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " poked " + target_participant.name }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to poke by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!stab") { //stab command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !stab Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot stab yourself... unless you wanted to do that D:" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " stabbed " + target_participant.name +", " + target_participant.name + " lays on their side... then staby stab stab stab!" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to stab by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "!highfive") { //highfive command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(10).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(10).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !highfive Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(10).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot highfive yourself!" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " highfived " + target_participant.name }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to highfive by the name of " + msg.a.substring(10).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!kiss") { //kiss command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !kiss Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot kiss yourself, lonely much..." }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", //PERSON kissed PERSON, PERSON blushes message: name + " kissed " + target_participant.name +", " + target_participant.name + " blushes" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to kiss by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!duel") { //duel command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(6).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !duel Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(6).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot duel yourself! use !suicide" }]); } else if (target_participant) { if (lvltmp[target_participant.color] == undefined) lvltmp[target_participant.color] = 1; if (lvltmp[names.color] == undefined) lvltmp[names.color] = 1; if (healthtmp[target_participant.color] == undefined) healthtmp[target_participant.color] = 100; if (healthtmp[names.color] == undefined) healthtmp[names.color] = 100; var total = lvltmp[target_participant.color] + lvltmp[names.color]; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: target_participant.name + " was challenged to a duel by " + names.name }]); if (Math.random() < 1.0 * lvltmp[names.color] / total) { setTimeout(function () { youwin(target_participant.name, names.name, name.color, total); }, 4000); } else { setTimeout(function () { youwin(names.name, target_participant.name, target_participant.color, total); }, 4000); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to duel by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!slap") { //slap command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !slap Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot slap yourself, that would be weird." }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " Slapped " + target_participant.name + ", " + target_participant.name +" is sad :c" //message: name + " slapped " + target_participant.name +", " + target_participant.name + " has a stiff face °-°" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to slap by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!cuddle") { //cuddle command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(7).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !cuddle Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot cuddle yourself, you lonely fuck." }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " cuddled with " + target_participant.name }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to cuddle by the name of " + msg.a.substring(7).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!hug") { //hug command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(4).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !hug Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot hug yourself!" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " gave " + target_participant.name + " a hug!" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to hug by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!rape") { //rape command... lol var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(6).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !rape Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(6).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot rape yourself! Rape the Anonymous people!!!" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " raped " + target_participant.name + " ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to rape by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!gift") { //gift command var giftArray = ['a cute kitten!', 'a cute puppy!', 'a potato!', 'a pikachu!', 'a brand new Xbox One!', 'a brand new PS4!', '1 million cows!', 'a slice of bacon!', 'a boating license!', 'a bunch of money!', 'some cake!', 'a box inside of a... BOX!', 'a new phone!', 'a new piano!', 'some chicken nuggets!', 'a brand new Wii U!', 'an evil gerbil!', 'a captains ship!', 'some sfoof! (Semolina Turmeric Cake)', 'some pizza!', 'a new laptop!', 'a piece of cotton', 'a spoon', 'a dribbling cat']; //add more... like 100 :D var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * giftArray.length); var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !gift Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot gift yourself! That would be greedy" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " gave " + target_participant.name + " " + giftArray[randomNumber] }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to gift by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!attack") { //attack command var attackArray = ['Fondue sticks,', 'Piece of bread', 'Rubber chicken', 'Piano', 'Turtle shell', 'Lamp', 'Knitting needle', 'Brake cable', 'Totally non-harmful piece of string c:', 'Rake', 'Shovel', 'Birds nest', 'Bit of help from gravity', 'Sharp stick', 'Stick covered in poop °-°', 'Can of softdrink (isn’t too soft)', 'Disembodied arm', 'Candle stick', 'Wet iguana', 'Duck', 'Spoon', 'Boat oar', 'Large rock', 'Sharp triangle', 'Trumpet', 'Toy car', 'Buzz saw', 'Computer keyboard', 'Ed and Megan’s love', 'Cd', 'Shoe Lace', 'M4', 'Mini-Uzi']; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * attackArray.length); var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(7).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !attack Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot attack yourself! Attack Anonymous people" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " attacked " + target_participant.name + " with a " + attackArray[randomNumber] }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to attack by the name of " + msg.a.substring(7).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!colour" || message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!color") { //colour command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: target_participant.name + "'s colour is: " + new Color(target_participant.color).getName() + " (" + target_participant.color + ") You can't change colours they're bases on IP" }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Your colour is: " + new Color(msg.p.color).getName() + " (" + msg.p.color + ") You can't change colours, they're based on IP" + " You can also type !colour Name_Here" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!unicode") { //unicode command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Put some of these in your name: ᴥ★☆☎☏☜☞☺☻☼♀♂♠♡♣♤♥♦♧♨♩♪♫♬♭♯∑≤Ω∏∫ºΩ∞√∆¬ ▄▐ ♪♫ █ ▄ ► ◄ ▄ ๖ۣۜ" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!applaud" || message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!clap") { //clap command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " applauds!" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "!slowclap") { //slow clap command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " claps slowly in approval" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!quote") { //quote command var textArray = ['Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.', 'Excuses are only attempts to explain failure.', 'Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.', 'If you dont know where you are going, any road will take you there', 'It is better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.', 'Where there is love there is life.', 'Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these; It might have been.', 'Its impossible said Pride. Its risky said Experience. Its pointless said Reason. Give it a try... whispered The Heart', 'Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself everything happens for a reason', 'The secret to happiness is not to do what makes you happy, its to be happy doing what youre already doing.', 'It is sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.', 'The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched / they must be felt with the heart.', 'I do believe that if you havent learnt about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness.', 'Crying is cleansing. There is a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.', 'It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.', 'There are two things to keep in mind when you are an old man: always take advantage of a hard-on, and never trust a fart °-°', 'Don’t wish what you can do!', 'People say nothing rhymes with Orange, this is false. Nothing and Orange do not rhyme. (English word ordering and syntax is funny :D', 'If you try to fail, but succed, which one have you done?', 'I do believe that if you haven’t learnt about sadness, you cannot appreciate happiness.']; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 12).toLowerCase() == "!funny quote" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "!fq") { //funny quote command var textArray = ['Someone got hit by a can on the head. They were lucky, as it was a SoftDrink.', 'Welcome the weirdness, it’s yours, use it', 'I wanna make a jigsaw puzzle thats 40,000 pieces. And when you finish it, it says go outside.', 'I havent spoken to my wife in years. I didnt want to interrupt her.', 'Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.', 'All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.', 'A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, Im afraid of widths.', 'My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.', 'My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. Shes ninety-seven now, and we dont know where the hell she is.', 'A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.', 'A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man', 'I’m super lazy today!!! Which is like normal lazy but I’m also wearing a cape...', 'Lasagna is basically spaghetti flavored cake.', 'My wife told me the other day that I don’t take her to expensive places any more, so I took her to the gas station.', 'Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with chewing tobacco']; //’ var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!list") { //list command var list = " Connected users"; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) { list += ", " + gClient.ppl[id].name; } } list = list.substr(2); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: list }]); return; } else if (message.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "!facepalm") { //facepalm command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " facepalmed, and has a sore head" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 12).toLowerCase() == "!musicsheets" || message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "!ms") { //musicsheets command gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Here are some music sheets " + name + ", Link: http://pastebin.com/dfyjCunb" //update when you update link, Logan }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!suicide") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " has taken a sword to their stomach" }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!kill") { //kill command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (message.substring(5).trim() == "") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Usage: !kill Name_Here" }]); } else if (message.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: name + " drives a massive sword through their rib cage splitting them in half slowly" }]); } else if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", //PERSON killed PERSON, PERSON lays dead x_x message: name + " killed " + target_participant.name }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to kill by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!face") { //face command var textArray = ['╥﹏╥', '(◕ᴥ◕し)', 'ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ', '(◡‿◡✿)', 'ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ', '^‿^', 'ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ', '๏̯͡๏', '^ㅂ^', ' ಠ_ರೃ', '(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧', '◕◡◕', 'ಠ▃ಠ', 'ಠ╭╮ಠ', 'ಠ⌣ಠ', 'ಠ◡ಠ', 'ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)', 'ლ(◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)', '⊙ω⊙', '⊙▂⊙', '╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻', '◕ω◕', '⌒▽⌒', '♥◡♥', '。◕‿‿◕。', '。◕ ‿ ◕。', '(´◉◞౪◟◉)', 'Ծ‸ Ծ', '(ᵔᴥᵔ)', '• ε •', '(⌐■_■)', '(┛◉Д◉)┛┻━┻', '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ', '◕ ^ ◕', '(☞゚ ∀゚ )☞', '(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ', '(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻', ';一_一', '\(◕ ◡ ◕\)', '°-°', '¶_¶', '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', '|)^_^(|']; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * textArray.length); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: textArray[randomNumber] }]); } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!say") { //say command if (opped) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: message.substring(5).trim() }]); } else if (!opped) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to use the !say command." }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "!rename") { //rename command if (opped) { gClient.sendArray([{ "m": "userset", "set": { "name": msg.a.substring(7).trim() } }]); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "R.I.P " + name }]); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to rename LoganNZL. To change your own name click on your name up top and enter a new one." }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "!welcomes" || message.substring(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "!welcome") { //welcome command if (opped) { if (!welcTemp) { welcTemp = !welcTemp; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Welcoming message ON" }]); } else { welcTemp = !welcTemp; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Welcoming message OFF" }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to turn on/off the welcoming message." }]); } } else if (message.substring(0,6).toLowerCase() == "!alert") //alert command { if (opped) { var WAIT_M = 1; alert(names.name + " has summoned you!"); wait_until = Date.now() + WAIT_M; } //alert command (thanks StarSeed Onion!) } else if (message.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "!ban") { //ban command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(5).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; if (opped) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { if (target_participant._id == "3d84c124783d491385cee6bf") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "._." }]); } else if (target_participant._id == "4e28d8736f8a464ada652896") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot ban LoganNZL's friend " + target_participant.name }]); } else { banned.push(target_participant._id); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to ban by the name of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to ban players!" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!unban") { //unban command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; if (opped) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { while (banned.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { banned.splice(banned.indexOf(target_participant._id), 1); } while (banned.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { delete banned[banned.indexOf(target_participant._id)]; } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to unban by the name of " + msg.a.substring(7).trim() }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to unban a player!" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "!unban") { var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(7).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; if (opped) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { while (banned.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { banned.splice(banned.indexOf(target_participant._id), 1); } while (banned.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { delete banned[banned.indexOf(target_participant._id)]; } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to unban by the name of " + msg.a.substring(7).trim() }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to unban a player!" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "!op") { //op command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(3).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; if (opped) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Opped " + target_participant.name }]); ops.push(target_participant._id); } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to op by the name of " + msg.a.substring(4).trim() }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to op a player!" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "!deop") { //deop command var target_name_lowercase = msg.a.substring(6).trim().toLowerCase(); var target_participant = undefined; if (opped) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (!gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.name.toLowerCase() === target_name_lowercase) { target_participant = part; break; } } if (target_participant) { if (target_participant._id == "3d84c124783d491385cee6bf") { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You cannot deop LoganNZL!" }]); } else { while (ops.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { ops.splice(banned.indexOf(target_participant._id), 1); } while (ops.indexOf(target_participant._id) !== -1) { delete ops[ops.indexOf(target_participant._id)]; } } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "Could not find anyone to deop by the name of " + msg.a.substring(6).trim() }]); } } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "You are not allowed to deop a player!" }]); } } else if (message.substring(0, 1) == "!") { //alternative error messages if (message.substring(2).trim() == "") { } else { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: "I don’t know that command, use !help for a list of valid commands." }]); } } } }); var Color = function () { var r, g, b; if (arguments.length === 1) { var hexa = arguments[0].toLowerCase(); if (hexa.match(/^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i)) { hexa = /^#?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i.exec(hexa); if (hexa && hexa.length === 4) { r = parseInt(hexa[1], 16); g = parseInt(hexa[2], 16); b = parseInt(hexa[3], 16); } } } else if (arguments.length === 3) { r = arguments[0]; g = arguments[1]; b = arguments[2]; } this.r = ~~r || 0; this.g = ~~g || 0; this.b = ~~b || 0; }; Color.prototype.distance = function (color) { var d = 0; d += Math.pow(this.r - color.r, 2); d += Math.pow(this.g - color.g, 2); d += Math.pow(this.b - color.b, 2); return Math.abs(Math.sqrt(d)); }; Color.prototype.toHexa = function () { var r = this.r.toString(16), g = this.g.toString(16), b = this.b.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) r = "0" + r; if (g.length == 1) g = "0" + g; if (b.length == 1) b = "0" + b; return "#" + r + g + b; }; Color.prototype.getName = function () { var hexa = this.toHexa(); var low = 256; var name; for (var n in Color.map) { if (!Color.map.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; var color = Color.map[n]; if (color.r === this.r && color.g === this.g && color.b === this.b) { return n; } var dist = this.distance(color); if (dist < low) { low = dist; name = n; } } if (!name) name = this.toHexa(); else name = "A shade of " + name; return name; }; Color.map = {}; Color.addToMap = function (hexa, name) { Color.map[name] = new Color(hexa); }; Color.addToMap("#7CB9E8", "Aero"); Color.addToMap("#C9FFE5", "Aero blue"); Color.addToMap("#B284BE", "African purple"); Color.addToMap("#5D8AA8", "Air Force blue (RAF)"); Color.addToMap("#00308F", "Air Force blue (USAF)"); Color.addToMap("#72A0C1", "Air superiority blue"); Color.addToMap("#AF002A", "Alabama Crimson"); Color.addToMap("#F0F8FF", "Alice blue"); Color.addToMap("#E32636", "Alizarin crimson"); Color.addToMap("#C46210", "Alloy orange"); Color.addToMap("#EFDECD", "Almond"); Color.addToMap("#E52B50", "Amaranth"); Color.addToMap("#F19CBB", "Amaranth pink"); Color.addToMap("#AB274F", "Dark amaranth"); Color.addToMap("#3B7A57", "Amazon"); Color.addToMap("#FF7E00", "Amber"); Color.addToMap("#FF033E", "American rose"); Color.addToMap("#9966CC", "Amethyst"); Color.addToMap("#A4C639", "Android green"); Color.addToMap("#F2F3F4", "Anti-flash white"); Color.addToMap("#CD9575", "Antique brass"); Color.addToMap("#665D1E", "Antique bronze"); Color.addToMap("#915C83", "Antique fuchsia"); Color.addToMap("#841B2D", "Antique ruby"); Color.addToMap("#FAEBD7", "Antique white"); Color.addToMap("#8DB600", "Apple green"); Color.addToMap("#FBCEB1", "Apricot"); Color.addToMap("#00FFFF", "Aqua"); Color.addToMap("#7FFFD4", "Aquamarine"); Color.addToMap("#4B5320", "Army green"); Color.addToMap("#3B444B", "Arsenic"); Color.addToMap("#8F9779", "Artichoke"); Color.addToMap("#B2BEB5", "Ash grey"); Color.addToMap("#87A96B", "Asparagus"); Color.addToMap("#FDEE00", "Aureolin"); Color.addToMap("#6E7F80", "AuroMetalSaurus"); Color.addToMap("#568203", "Avocado"); Color.addToMap("#007FFF", "Azure"); Color.addToMap("#F0FFFF", "Azure mist/web"); Color.addToMap("#89CFF0", "Baby blue"); Color.addToMap("#A1CAF1", "Baby blue eyes"); Color.addToMap("#FEFEFA", "Baby powder"); Color.addToMap("#FF91AF", "Baker-Miller pink"); Color.addToMap("#21ABCD", "Ball blue"); Color.addToMap("#FAE7B5", "Banana Mania"); Color.addToMap("#FFE135", "Banana yellow"); Color.addToMap("#E0218A", "Barbie pink"); Color.addToMap("#7C0A02", "Barn red"); Color.addToMap("#848482", "Battleship grey"); Color.addToMap("#98777B", "Bazaar"); Color.addToMap("#9F8170", "Beaver"); Color.addToMap("#F5F5DC", "Beige"); Color.addToMap("#2E5894", "B'dazzled blue"); Color.addToMap("#9C2542", "Big dip o’ruby"); Color.addToMap("#FFE4C4", "Bisque"); Color.addToMap("#3D2B1F", "Bistre"); Color.addToMap("#967117", "Bistre brown"); Color.addToMap("#CAE00D", "Bitter lemon"); Color.addToMap("#648C11", "Bitter lime"); Color.addToMap("#FE6F5E", "Bittersweet"); Color.addToMap("#BF4F51", "Bittersweet shimmer"); Color.addToMap("#000000", "Black with no soul!"); Color.addToMap("#3D0C02", "Black bean"); Color.addToMap("#253529", "Black leather jacket"); Color.addToMap("#3B3C36", "Black olive"); Color.addToMap("#FFEBCD", "Blanched almond"); Color.addToMap("#A57164", "Blast-off bronze"); Color.addToMap("#318CE7", "Bleu de France"); Color.addToMap("#ACE5EE", "Blizzard Blue"); Color.addToMap("#FAF0BE", "Blond"); Color.addToMap("#0000FF", "Blue"); Color.addToMap("#1F75FE", "Blue (Crayola)"); Color.addToMap("#0093AF", "Blue (Munsell)"); Color.addToMap("#0087BD", "Blue (NCS)"); Color.addToMap("#333399", "Blue (pigment)"); Color.addToMap("#0247FE", "Blue (RYB)"); Color.addToMap("#A2A2D0", "Blue Bell"); Color.addToMap("#6699CC", "Blue-gray"); Color.addToMap("#0D98BA", "Blue-green"); Color.addToMap("#126180", "Blue sapphire"); Color.addToMap("#8A2BE2", "Blue-violet"); Color.addToMap("#5072A7", "Blue yonder"); Color.addToMap("#4F86F7", "Blueberry"); Color.addToMap("#1C1CF0", "Bluebonnet"); Color.addToMap("#DE5D83", "Blush"); Color.addToMap("#79443B", "Bole Brown"); Color.addToMap("#0095B6", "Bondi blue"); Color.addToMap("#E3DAC9", "Bone"); Color.addToMap("#CC0000", "Boston University Red"); Color.addToMap("#006A4E", "Bottle green"); Color.addToMap("#873260", "Boysenberry"); Color.addToMap("#0070FF", "Brandeis blue"); Color.addToMap("#B5A642", "Brass"); Color.addToMap("#CB4154", "Brick red"); Color.addToMap("#1DACD6", "Bright cerulean"); Color.addToMap("#66FF00", "Bright green"); Color.addToMap("#BF94E4", "Bright lavender"); Color.addToMap("#D891EF", "Bright lilac"); Color.addToMap("#C32148", "Bright maroon"); Color.addToMap("#1974D2", "Bright navy blue"); Color.addToMap("#FF007F", "Bright pink"); Color.addToMap("#08E8DE", "Bright turquoise"); Color.addToMap("#D19FE8", "Bright ube"); Color.addToMap("#F4BBFF", "Brilliant lavender"); Color.addToMap("#FF55A3", "Brilliant rose"); Color.addToMap("#FB607F", "Brink pink"); Color.addToMap("#004225", "British racing green"); Color.addToMap("#CD7F32", "Bronze"); Color.addToMap("#737000", "Bronze Yellow"); Color.addToMap("#964B00", "Brown"); Color.addToMap("#6B4423", "Brown-nose"); Color.addToMap("#FFC1CC", "Bubble gum"); Color.addToMap("#E7FEFF", "Bubbles"); Color.addToMap("#F0DC82", "Buff"); Color.addToMap("#7BB661", "Bud green"); Color.addToMap("#480607", "Bulgarian rose"); Color.addToMap("#800020", "Burgundy"); Color.addToMap("#DEB887", "Burlywood"); Color.addToMap("#CC5500", "Burnt orange"); Color.addToMap("#8A3324", "Burnt umber"); Color.addToMap("#BD33A4", "Byzantine"); Color.addToMap("#702963", "Byzantium"); Color.addToMap("#536872", "Cadet"); Color.addToMap("#5F9EA0", "Cadet blue"); Color.addToMap("#91A3B0", "Cadet grey"); Color.addToMap("#006B3C", "Cadmium green"); Color.addToMap("#ED872D", "Cadmium orange"); Color.addToMap("#E30022", "Cadmium red"); Color.addToMap("#FFF600", "Cadmium yellow"); Color.addToMap("#A67B5B", "Cafe au lait"); Color.addToMap("#4B3621", "Cafe noir"); Color.addToMap("#1E4D2B", "Cal Poly green"); Color.addToMap("#A3C1AD", "Cambridge Blue"); Color.addToMap("#EFBBCC", "Cameo pink"); Color.addToMap("#78866B", "Camouflage green"); Color.addToMap("#FFEF00", "Canary yellow"); Color.addToMap("#FF0800", "Candy apple red"); Color.addToMap("#E4717A", "Candy pink"); Color.addToMap("#592720", "Caput mortuum"); Color.addToMap("#C41E3A", "Cardinal"); Color.addToMap("#00CC99", "Caribbean green"); Color.addToMap("#960018", "Carmine"); Color.addToMap("#EB4C42", "Carmine pink"); Color.addToMap("#FF0038", "Carmine red"); Color.addToMap("#FFA6C9", "Carnation pink"); Color.addToMap("#99BADD", "Carolina blue"); Color.addToMap("#ED9121", "Carrot orange"); Color.addToMap("#00563F", "Castleton green"); Color.addToMap("#062A78", "Catalina blue"); Color.addToMap("#703642", "Catawba"); Color.addToMap("#C95A49", "Cedar Chest"); Color.addToMap("#92A1CF", "Ceil"); Color.addToMap("#ACE1AF", "Celadon"); Color.addToMap("#007BA7", "Celadon blue"); Color.addToMap("#2F847C", "Celadon green"); Color.addToMap("#4997D0", "Celestial blue"); Color.addToMap("#EC3B83", "Cerise pink"); Color.addToMap("#2A52BE", "Cerulean blue"); Color.addToMap("#6D9BC3", "Cerulean frost"); Color.addToMap("#007AA5", "CG Blue"); Color.addToMap("#E03C31", "CG Red"); Color.addToMap("#A0785A", "Chamoisee"); Color.addToMap("#F7E7CE", "Champagne"); Color.addToMap("#36454F", "Charcoal"); Color.addToMap("#232B2B", "Charleston green"); Color.addToMap("#E68FAC", "Charm pink"); Color.addToMap("#DFFF00", "Chartreuse"); Color.addToMap("#7FFF00", "Chartreuse (web)"); Color.addToMap("#DE3163", "Cherry"); Color.addToMap("#FFB7C5", "Cherry blossom pink"); Color.addToMap("#954535", "Chestnut"); Color.addToMap("#A8516E", "China rose"); Color.addToMap("#AA381E", "Chinese red"); Color.addToMap("#856088", "Chinese violet"); Color.addToMap("#7B3F00", "Chocolate"); Color.addToMap("#FFA700", "Chrome yellow"); Color.addToMap("#98817B", "Cinereous"); Color.addToMap("#E4D00A", "Citrine"); Color.addToMap("#9FA91F", "Citron"); Color.addToMap("#7F1734", "Claret"); Color.addToMap("#FBCCE7", "Classic rose"); Color.addToMap("#0047AB", "Cobalt"); Color.addToMap("#D2691E", "Cocoa brown"); Color.addToMap("#965A3E", "Coconut"); Color.addToMap("#6F4E37", "Coffee Brown"); Color.addToMap("#9BDDFF", "Columbia blue"); Color.addToMap("#002E63", "Cool black"); Color.addToMap("#8C92AC", "Cool grey"); Color.addToMap("#B87333", "Copper"); Color.addToMap("#AD6F69", "Copper penny"); Color.addToMap("#CB6D51", "Copper red"); Color.addToMap("#996666", "Copper rose"); Color.addToMap("#FF3800", "Coquelicot"); Color.addToMap("#FF7F50", "Coral"); Color.addToMap("#F88379", "Coral pink"); Color.addToMap("#FF4040", "Coral red"); Color.addToMap("#893F45", "Cordovan"); Color.addToMap("#FBEC5D", "Corn Yellow"); Color.addToMap("#B31B1B", "Cornell Red"); Color.addToMap("#6495ED", "Cornflower blue"); Color.addToMap("#FFF8DC", "Cornsilk"); Color.addToMap("#FFF8E7", "Cosmic latte"); Color.addToMap("#FFBCD9", "Cotton candy"); Color.addToMap("#FFFDD0", "Cream"); Color.addToMap("#DC143C", "Crimson"); Color.addToMap("#BE0032", "Crimson glory"); Color.addToMap("#00B7EB", "Cyan"); Color.addToMap("#58427C", "Cyber grape"); Color.addToMap("#FFD300", "Cyber yellow"); Color.addToMap("#FFFF31", "Daffodil"); Color.addToMap("#F0E130", "Dandelion"); Color.addToMap("#00008B", "Dark blue"); Color.addToMap("#666699", "Dark blue-gray"); Color.addToMap("#654321", "Dark brown"); Color.addToMap("#5D3954", "Dark byzantium"); Color.addToMap("#A40000", "Dark candy apple red"); Color.addToMap("#08457E", "Dark cerulean"); Color.addToMap("#986960", "Dark chestnut"); Color.addToMap("#CD5B45", "Dark coral"); Color.addToMap("#008B8B", "Dark cyan"); Color.addToMap("#536878", "Dark electric blue"); Color.addToMap("#B8860B", "Dark goldenrod"); Color.addToMap("#A9A9A9", "Dark gray"); Color.addToMap("#013220", "Dark green"); Color.addToMap("#00416A", "Dark imperial blue"); Color.addToMap("#1A2421", "Dark jungle green"); Color.addToMap("#BDB76B", "Dark khaki"); Color.addToMap("#734F96", "Dark lavender"); Color.addToMap("#534B4F", "Dark liver"); Color.addToMap("#543D37", "Dark liver (horses)"); Color.addToMap("#8B008B", "Dark magenta"); Color.addToMap("#003366", "Dark midnight blue"); Color.addToMap("#4A5D23", "Dark moss green"); Color.addToMap("#556B2F", "Dark olive green"); Color.addToMap("#FF8C00", "Dark orange"); Color.addToMap("#9932CC", "Dark orchid"); Color.addToMap("#779ECB", "Dark pastel blue"); Color.addToMap("#03C03C", "Dark pastel green"); Color.addToMap("#966FD6", "Dark pastel purple"); Color.addToMap("#C23B22", "Dark pastel red"); Color.addToMap("#E75480", "Dark pink"); Color.addToMap("#003399", "Dark powder blue"); Color.addToMap("#4F3A3C", "Dark puce"); Color.addToMap("#872657", "Dark raspberry"); Color.addToMap("#8B0000", "Dark red"); Color.addToMap("#E9967A", "Dark salmon"); Color.addToMap("#560319", "Dark scarlet"); Color.addToMap("#8FBC8F", "Dark sea green"); Color.addToMap("#3C1414", "Dark sienna"); Color.addToMap("#8CBED6", "Dark sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#483D8B", "Dark slate blue"); Color.addToMap("#2F4F4F", "Dark slate gray"); Color.addToMap("#177245", "Dark spring green"); Color.addToMap("#918151", "Dark tan"); Color.addToMap("#FFA812", "Dark tangerine"); Color.addToMap("#CC4E5C", "Dark terra cotta"); Color.addToMap("#00CED1", "Dark turquoise"); Color.addToMap("#D1BEA8", "Dark vanilla"); Color.addToMap("#9400D3", "Dark violet"); Color.addToMap("#9B870C", "Dark yellow"); Color.addToMap("#00703C", "Dartmouth green"); Color.addToMap("#555555", "Davy's grey"); Color.addToMap("#D70A53", "Debian red"); Color.addToMap("#A9203E", "Deep carmine"); Color.addToMap("#EF3038", "Deep carmine pink"); Color.addToMap("#E9692C", "Deep carrot orange"); Color.addToMap("#DA3287", "Deep cerise"); Color.addToMap("#B94E48", "Deep chestnut"); Color.addToMap("#C154C1", "Deep fuchsia"); Color.addToMap("#004B49", "Deep jungle green"); Color.addToMap("#F5C71A", "Deep lemon"); Color.addToMap("#9955BB", "Deep lilac"); Color.addToMap("#CC00CC", "Deep magenta"); Color.addToMap("#D473D4", "Deep mauve"); Color.addToMap("#355E3B", "Deep moss green"); Color.addToMap("#FFCBA4", "Deep peach"); Color.addToMap("#A95C68", "Deep puce"); Color.addToMap("#843F5B", "Deep ruby"); Color.addToMap("#FF9933", "Deep saffron"); Color.addToMap("#00BFFF", "Deep sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#4A646C", "Deep Space Sparkle"); Color.addToMap("#7E5E60", "Deep Taupe"); Color.addToMap("#66424D", "Deep Tuscan red"); Color.addToMap("#BA8759", "Deer"); Color.addToMap("#1560BD", "Denim"); Color.addToMap("#EDC9AF", "Desert sand"); Color.addToMap("#EA3C53", "Desire"); Color.addToMap("#B9F2FF", "Diamond"); Color.addToMap("#696969", "Dim gray"); Color.addToMap("#9B7653", "Dirt"); Color.addToMap("#1E90FF", "Dodger blue"); Color.addToMap("#D71868", "Dogwood rose"); Color.addToMap("#85BB65", "Dollar bill"); Color.addToMap("#664C28", "Donkey Brown"); Color.addToMap("#00009C", "Duke blue"); Color.addToMap("#E5CCC9", "Dust storm"); Color.addToMap("#EFDFBB", "Dutch white"); Color.addToMap("#E1A95F", "Earth yellow"); Color.addToMap("#555D50", "Ebony"); Color.addToMap("#1B1B1B", "Moronic Black"); //LoganNZL's Colour Color.addToMap("#614051", "Eggplant"); Color.addToMap("#F0EAD6", "Eggshell"); Color.addToMap("#1034A6", "Egyptian blue"); Color.addToMap("#7DF9FF", "Electric blue"); Color.addToMap("#FF003F", "Electric crimson"); Color.addToMap("#00FF00", "Electric green"); Color.addToMap("#6F00FF", "Electric indigo"); Color.addToMap("#CCFF00", "Electric lime"); Color.addToMap("#BF00FF", "Electric purple"); Color.addToMap("#3F00FF", "Electric ultramarine"); Color.addToMap("#FFFF00", "Electric yellow"); Color.addToMap("#50C878", "Emerald"); Color.addToMap("#6C3082", "Eminence"); Color.addToMap("#1B4D3E", "English green"); Color.addToMap("#B48395", "English lavender"); Color.addToMap("#AB4B52", "English red"); Color.addToMap("#563C5C", "English violet"); Color.addToMap("#96C8A2", "Eton blue"); Color.addToMap("#44D7A8", "Eucalyptus"); Color.addToMap("#801818", "Falu red"); Color.addToMap("#B53389", "Fandango"); Color.addToMap("#DE5285", "Fandango pink"); Color.addToMap("#F400A1", "Fashion fuchsia"); Color.addToMap("#E5AA70", "Fawn"); Color.addToMap("#4D5D53", "Feldgrau"); Color.addToMap("#4F7942", "Fern green"); Color.addToMap("#FF2800", "Ferrari Red"); Color.addToMap("#6C541E", "Field drab"); Color.addToMap("#B22222", "Firebrick"); Color.addToMap("#CE2029", "Fire engine red"); Color.addToMap("#E25822", "Flame"); Color.addToMap("#FC8EAC", "Flamingo pink"); Color.addToMap("#F7E98E", "Flavescent"); Color.addToMap("#EEDC82", "Flax"); Color.addToMap("#A2006D", "Flirt"); Color.addToMap("#FFFAF0", "Floral white"); Color.addToMap("#FFBF00", "Fluorescent orange"); Color.addToMap("#FF1493", "Fluorescent pink"); Color.addToMap("#FF004F", "Folly"); Color.addToMap("#014421", "Forest green"); Color.addToMap("#228B22", "Forest green (web)"); Color.addToMap("#856D4D", "French bistre"); Color.addToMap("#0072BB", "French blue"); Color.addToMap("#FD3F92", "French fuchsia"); Color.addToMap("#86608E", "French lilac"); Color.addToMap("#9EFD38", "French lime"); Color.addToMap("#FD6C9E", "French pink"); Color.addToMap("#4E1609", "French puce"); Color.addToMap("#C72C48", "French raspberry"); Color.addToMap("#F64A8A", "French rose"); Color.addToMap("#77B5FE", "French sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#8806CE", "French violet"); Color.addToMap("#AC1E44", "French wine"); Color.addToMap("#A6E7FF", "Fresh Air"); Color.addToMap("#FF77FF", "Fuchsia pink"); Color.addToMap("#CC397B", "Fuchsia purple"); Color.addToMap("#C74375", "Fuchsia rose"); Color.addToMap("#E48400", "Fulvous"); Color.addToMap("#CC6666", "Fuzzy Wuzzy"); Color.addToMap("#DCDCDC", "Gainsboro"); Color.addToMap("#E49B0F", "Gamboge"); Color.addToMap("#007F66", "Generic viridian"); Color.addToMap("#F8F8FF", "Ghost white"); Color.addToMap("#FE5A1D", "Giants orange"); Color.addToMap("#B06500", "Ginger"); Color.addToMap("#6082B6", "Glaucous"); Color.addToMap("#E6E8FA", "Glitter"); Color.addToMap("#00AB66", "GO green"); Color.addToMap("#D4AF37", "Gold (metallic)"); Color.addToMap("#FFD700", "Gold (web) (Golden)"); Color.addToMap("#85754E", "Gold Fusion"); Color.addToMap("#996515", "Golden brown"); Color.addToMap("#FCC200", "Golden poppy"); Color.addToMap("#FFDF00", "Golden yellow"); Color.addToMap("#DAA520", "Goldenrod"); Color.addToMap("#A8E4A0", "Granny Smith Apple"); Color.addToMap("#6F2DA8", "Grape"); Color.addToMap("#808080", "Gray"); Color.addToMap("#BEBEBE", "Gray (X11 gray)"); Color.addToMap("#465945", "Gray-asparagus"); Color.addToMap("#1CAC78", "Green (Crayola)"); Color.addToMap("#008000", "Green"); Color.addToMap("#00A877", "Green (Munsell)"); Color.addToMap("#009F6B", "Green (NCS)"); Color.addToMap("#00A550", "Green (pigment)"); Color.addToMap("#66B032", "Green (RYB)"); Color.addToMap("#ADFF2F", "Green-yellow"); Color.addToMap("#A99A86", "Grullo"); Color.addToMap("#663854", "Halaya ube"); Color.addToMap("#446CCF", "Han blue"); Color.addToMap("#5218FA", "Han purple"); Color.addToMap("#E9D66B", "Hansa yellow"); Color.addToMap("#3FFF00", "Harlequin"); Color.addToMap("#C90016", "Harvard crimson"); Color.addToMap("#DA9100", "Harvest gold"); Color.addToMap("#DF73FF", "Heliotrope"); Color.addToMap("#AA98A9", "Heliotrope gray"); Color.addToMap("#F0FFF0", "Honeydew"); Color.addToMap("#006DB0", "Honolulu blue"); Color.addToMap("#49796B", "Chloe's green"); Color.addToMap("#FF1DCE", "Hot magenta"); Color.addToMap("#FF69B4", "Hot pink"); Color.addToMap("#71A6D2", "Iceberg"); Color.addToMap("#FCF75E", "Icterine"); Color.addToMap("#319177", "Illuminating Emerald"); Color.addToMap("#602F6B", "Imperial"); Color.addToMap("#002395", "Imperial blue"); Color.addToMap("#66023C", "Imperial purple"); Color.addToMap("#ED2939", "Imperial red"); Color.addToMap("#B2EC5D", "Inchworm"); Color.addToMap("#4C516D", "Independence"); Color.addToMap("#138808", "India green"); Color.addToMap("#CD5C5C", "Indian red"); Color.addToMap("#E3A857", "Indian yellow"); Color.addToMap("#4B0082", "Indigo"); Color.addToMap("#002FA7", "International Klein Blue"); Color.addToMap("#FF4F00", "International orange (aerospace)"); Color.addToMap("#BA160C", "International orange (engineering)"); Color.addToMap("#C0362C", "International orange (Golden Gate Bridge)"); Color.addToMap("#5A4FCF", "Iris"); Color.addToMap("#F4F0EC", "Isabelline"); Color.addToMap("#009000", "Islamic green"); Color.addToMap("#B2FFFF", "Italian sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#FFFFF0", "Ivory"); Color.addToMap("#00A86B", "Jade"); Color.addToMap("#9D2933", "Japanese carmine"); Color.addToMap("#264348", "Japanese indigo"); Color.addToMap("#5B3256", "Japanese violet"); Color.addToMap("#D73B3E", "Jasper"); Color.addToMap("#A50B5E", "Jazzberry jam"); Color.addToMap("#DA614E", "Jelly Bean"); Color.addToMap("#343434", "Jet"); Color.addToMap("#F4CA16", "Jonquil"); Color.addToMap("#8AB9F1", "Jordy blue"); Color.addToMap("#BDDA57", "June bud"); Color.addToMap("#29AB87", "Jungle green"); Color.addToMap("#4CBB17", "Kelly green"); Color.addToMap("#7C1C05", "Kenyan copper"); Color.addToMap("#3AB09E", "Keppel"); Color.addToMap("#C3B091", "Khaki"); Color.addToMap("#E79FC4", "Kobi"); Color.addToMap("#354230", "Kombu green"); Color.addToMap("#E8000D", "KU Crimson"); Color.addToMap("#087830", "La Salle Green"); Color.addToMap("#D6CADD", "Languid lavender"); Color.addToMap("#26619C", "Lapis lazuli"); Color.addToMap("#A9BA9D", "Laurel green"); Color.addToMap("#CF1020", "Lava"); Color.addToMap("#B57EDC", "Lavender (floral)"); Color.addToMap("#CCCCFF", "Lavender blue"); Color.addToMap("#FFF0F5", "Lavender blush"); Color.addToMap("#C4C3D0", "Lavender gray"); Color.addToMap("#9457EB", "Lavender indigo"); Color.addToMap("#EE82EE", "Lavender magenta"); Color.addToMap("#E6E6FA", "Lavender mist"); Color.addToMap("#FBAED2", "Lavender pink"); Color.addToMap("#967BB6", "Lavender purple"); Color.addToMap("#FBA0E3", "Lavender rose"); Color.addToMap("#7CFC00", "Lawn green"); Color.addToMap("#FFF700", "Lemon"); Color.addToMap("#FFFACD", "Lemon chiffon"); Color.addToMap("#CCA01D", "Lemon curry"); Color.addToMap("#FDFF00", "Lemon glacier"); Color.addToMap("#E3FF00", "Lemon lime"); Color.addToMap("#F6EABE", "Lemon meringue"); Color.addToMap("#FFF44F", "Lemon yellow"); Color.addToMap("#1A1110", "Licorice"); Color.addToMap("#545AA7", "Liberty"); Color.addToMap("#FDD5B1", "Light apricot"); Color.addToMap("#ADD8E6", "Light blue"); Color.addToMap("#B5651D", "Light brown"); Color.addToMap("#E66771", "Light carmine pink"); Color.addToMap("#F08080", "Light coral"); Color.addToMap("#93CCEA", "Light cornflower blue"); Color.addToMap("#F56991", "Light crimson"); Color.addToMap("#E0FFFF", "Light cyan"); Color.addToMap("#FF5CCD", "Light deep pink"); Color.addToMap("#C8AD7F", "Light French beige"); Color.addToMap("#F984EF", "Light fuchsia pink"); Color.addToMap("#FAFAD2", "Light goldenrod yellow"); Color.addToMap("#D3D3D3", "Light gray"); Color.addToMap("#90EE90", "Light green"); Color.addToMap("#FFB3DE", "Light hot pink"); Color.addToMap("#F0E68C", "Light khaki"); Color.addToMap("#D39BCB", "Light medium orchid"); Color.addToMap("#ADDFAD", "Light moss green"); Color.addToMap("#E6A8D7", "Light orchid"); Color.addToMap("#B19CD9", "Light pastel purple"); Color.addToMap("#FFB6C1", "Light pink"); Color.addToMap("#E97451", "Light red ochre"); Color.addToMap("#FFA07A", "Light salmon"); Color.addToMap("#FF9999", "Light salmon pink"); Color.addToMap("#20B2AA", "Light sea green"); Color.addToMap("#87CEFA", "Light sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#778899", "Light slate gray"); Color.addToMap("#B0C4DE", "Light steel blue"); Color.addToMap("#B38B6D", "Light taupe"); Color.addToMap("#FFFFE0", "Light yellow"); Color.addToMap("#C8A2C8", "Lilac"); Color.addToMap("#BFFF00", "Lime"); Color.addToMap("#32CD32", "Lime green"); Color.addToMap("#9DC209", "Limerick"); Color.addToMap("#195905", "Prostitute green"); Color.addToMap("#FAF0E6", "Linen"); Color.addToMap("#6CA0DC", "Little boy blue"); Color.addToMap("#B86D29", "Liver (dogs)"); Color.addToMap("#6C2E1F", "Liver"); Color.addToMap("#987456", "Liver chestnut"); Color.addToMap("#FFE4CD", "Lumber"); Color.addToMap("#E62020", "Lust"); Color.addToMap("#FF00FF", "Magenta"); Color.addToMap("#CA1F7B", "Magenta (dye)"); Color.addToMap("#D0417E", "Magenta (Pantone)"); Color.addToMap("#FF0090", "Magenta (process)"); Color.addToMap("#9F4576", "Magenta haze"); Color.addToMap("#AAF0D1", "Magic mint"); Color.addToMap("#F8F4FF", "Magnolia"); Color.addToMap("#C04000", "Mahogany"); Color.addToMap("#6050DC", "Majorelle Blue"); Color.addToMap("#0BDA51", "Malachite"); Color.addToMap("#979AAA", "Manatee"); Color.addToMap("#FF8243", "Mango Tango"); Color.addToMap("#74C365", "Mantis"); Color.addToMap("#880085", "Mardi Gras"); Color.addToMap("#800000", "Maroon"); Color.addToMap("#E0B0FF", "Mauve"); Color.addToMap("#915F6D", "Mauve taupe"); Color.addToMap("#EF98AA", "Mauvelous"); Color.addToMap("#4C9141", "May green"); Color.addToMap("#73C2FB", "Maya blue"); Color.addToMap("#E5B73B", "Golden"); Color.addToMap("#66DDAA", "Medium aquamarine"); Color.addToMap("#0000CD", "Medium blue"); Color.addToMap("#E2062C", "Medium candy apple red"); Color.addToMap("#AF4035", "Medium carmine"); Color.addToMap("#035096", "Medium electric blue"); Color.addToMap("#1C352D", "Medium jungle green"); Color.addToMap("#BA55D3", "Medium orchid"); Color.addToMap("#9370DB", "Medium purple"); Color.addToMap("#BB3385", "Medium red-violet"); Color.addToMap("#AA4069", "Medium ruby"); Color.addToMap("#3CB371", "Medium sea green"); Color.addToMap("#80DAEB", "Medium sky blue"); Color.addToMap("#7B68EE", "Medium slate blue"); Color.addToMap("#C9DC87", "Medium spring bud"); Color.addToMap("#00FA9A", "Medium spring green"); Color.addToMap("#674C47", "Medium taupe"); Color.addToMap("#48D1CC", "Medium turquoise"); Color.addToMap("#D9603B", "Pale vermilion"); Color.addToMap("#F8B878", "Mellow apricot"); Color.addToMap("#F8DE7E", "Mellow yellow"); Color.addToMap("#FDBCB4", "Melon"); Color.addToMap("#0A7E8C", "Metallic Seaweed"); Color.addToMap("#9C7C38", "Metallic Sunburst"); Color.addToMap("#E4007C", "Mexican pink"); Color.addToMap("#191970", "Midnight blue"); Color.addToMap("#004953", "Midnight green (eagle green)"); Color.addToMap("#FFC40C", "Mikado yellow"); Color.addToMap("#E3F988", "Mindaro"); Color.addToMap("#3EB489", "Mint"); Color.addToMap("#F5FFFA", "Mint cream"); Color.addToMap("#98FF98", "Mint green"); Color.addToMap("#FFE4E1", "Misty rose"); Color.addToMap("#73A9C2", "Moonstone blue"); Color.addToMap("#AE0C00", "Mordant red 19"); Color.addToMap("#8A9A5B", "Moss green"); Color.addToMap("#30BA8F", "Mountain Meadow"); Color.addToMap("#997A8D", "Mountbatten pink"); Color.addToMap("#18453B", "MSU Green"); Color.addToMap("#306030", "Mughal green"); Color.addToMap("#C54B8C", "Mulberry"); Color.addToMap("#FFDB58", "Mustard"); Color.addToMap("#317873", "Myrtle green"); Color.addToMap("#F6ADC6", "Nadeshiko pink"); Color.addToMap("#2A8000", "Napier green"); Color.addToMap("#FFDEAD", "Navajo white"); Color.addToMap("#000080", "Navy"); Color.addToMap("#FFA343", "Neon Carrot"); Color.addToMap("#FE4164", "Neon fuchsia"); Color.addToMap("#39FF14", "Neon green"); Color.addToMap("#214FC6", "New Car"); Color.addToMap("#D7837F", "New York pink"); Color.addToMap("#A4DDED", "Non-photo blue"); Color.addToMap("#059033", "North Texas Green"); Color.addToMap("#E9FFDB", "Nyanza"); Color.addToMap("#0077BE", "Ocean Boat Blue"); Color.addToMap("#CC7722", "Ochre"); Color.addToMap("#43302E", "Old burgundy"); Color.addToMap("#CFB53B", "Old gold"); Color.addToMap("#FDF5E6", "Old lace"); Color.addToMap("#796878", "Old lavender"); Color.addToMap("#673147", "Old mauve"); Color.addToMap("#867E36", "Old moss green"); Color.addToMap("#C08081", "Old rose"); Color.addToMap("#808000", "Olive"); Color.addToMap("#6B8E23", "Olive Drab #3"); Color.addToMap("#3C341F", "Olive Drab #7"); Color.addToMap("#9AB973", "Olivine"); Color.addToMap("#353839", "Onyx"); Color.addToMap("#B784A7", "Opera mauve"); Color.addToMap("#FF7F00", "Orange"); Color.addToMap("#FF7538", "Orange (Crayola)"); Color.addToMap("#FF5800", "Orange (Pantone)"); Color.addToMap("#FB9902", "Orange (RYB)"); Color.addToMap("#FFA500", "Orange (web)"); Color.addToMap("#FF9F00", "Orange peel"); Color.addToMap("#FF4500", "Orange-red"); Color.addToMap("#DA70D6", "Orchid"); Color.addToMap("#F2BDCD", "Orchid pink"); Color.addToMap("#FB4F14", "Orioles orange"); Color.addToMap("#414A4C", "Outer Space"); Color.addToMap("#FF6E4A", "Outrageous Orange"); Color.addToMap("#002147", "Oxford Blue"); Color.addToMap("#990000", "Crimson Red"); Color.addToMap("#006600", "Pakistan green"); Color.addToMap("#273BE2", "Palatinate blue"); Color.addToMap("#682860", "Palatinate purple"); Color.addToMap("#BCD4E6", "Pale aqua"); Color.addToMap("#AFEEEE", "Pale blue"); Color.addToMap("#987654", "Pale brown"); Color.addToMap("#9BC4E2", "Pale cerulean"); Color.addToMap("#DDADAF", "Pale chestnut"); Color.addToMap("#DA8A67", "Pale copper"); Color.addToMap("#ABCDEF", "Pale cornflower blue"); Color.addToMap("#E6BE8A", "Pale gold"); Color.addToMap("#EEE8AA", "Pale goldenrod"); Color.addToMap("#98FB98", "Pale green"); Color.addToMap("#DCD0FF", "Pale lavender"); Color.addToMap("#F984E5", "Pale magenta"); Color.addToMap("#FADADD", "Pale pink"); Color.addToMap("#DDA0DD", "Pale plum"); Color.addToMap("#DB7093", "Nipple"); Color.addToMap("#96DED1", "Pale robin egg blue"); Color.addToMap("#C9C0BB", "Pale silver"); Color.addToMap("#ECEBBD", "Pale spring bud"); Color.addToMap("#BC987E", "Pale taupe"); Color.addToMap("#78184A", "Pansy purple"); Color.addToMap("#009B7D", "Paolo Veronese green"); Color.addToMap("#FFEFD5", "Papaya whip"); Color.addToMap("#E63E62", "Paradise pink"); Color.addToMap("#AEC6CF", "Pastel blue"); Color.addToMap("#836953", "Pastel brown"); Color.addToMap("#CFCFC4", "Pastel gray"); Color.addToMap("#77DD77", "Pastel green"); Color.addToMap("#F49AC2", "Pastel magenta"); Color.addToMap("#FFB347", "Pastel orange"); Color.addToMap("#DEA5A4", "Pastel pink"); Color.addToMap("#B39EB5", "Pastel purple"); Color.addToMap("#FF6961", "Pastel red"); Color.addToMap("#CB99C9", "Pastel violet"); Color.addToMap("#FDFD96", "Pastel yellow"); Color.addToMap("#FFE5B4", "Peach"); Color.addToMap("#FFCC99", "Peach-orange"); Color.addToMap("#FFDAB9", "Peach puff"); Color.addToMap("#FADFAD", "Peach-yellow"); Color.addToMap("#D1E231", "Pear"); Color.addToMap("#EAE0C8", "Pearl"); Color.addToMap("#88D8C0", "Pearl Aqua"); Color.addToMap("#B768A2", "Pearly purple"); Color.addToMap("#E6E200", "Peridot"); Color.addToMap("#1C39BB", "Persian blue"); Color.addToMap("#00A693", "Persian green"); Color.addToMap("#32127A", "Persian indigo"); Color.addToMap("#D99058", "Persian orange"); Color.addToMap("#F77FBE", "Persian pink"); Color.addToMap("#701C1C", "Persian plum"); Color.addToMap("#CC3333", "Persian red"); Color.addToMap("#FE28A2", "Persian rose"); Color.addToMap("#EC5800", "Persimmon"); Color.addToMap("#CD853F", "Peru"); Color.addToMap("#000F89", "Phthalo blue"); Color.addToMap("#123524", "Phthalo green"); Color.addToMap("#45B1E8", "Picton blue"); Color.addToMap("#C30B4E", "Pictorial carmine"); Color.addToMap("#FDDDE6", "Piggy pink"); Color.addToMap("#01796F", "Pine green"); Color.addToMap("#FFC0CB", "Pink"); Color.addToMap("#D74894", "Pink (Pantone)"); Color.addToMap("#FFDDF4", "Pink lace"); Color.addToMap("#D8B2D1", "Pink lavender"); 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    Not available yet.
    \ ', target: "#midi-btn" }); notif_conn.on("close", function () { if (!knows_conn) { knows_conn = true; new Notification({ title: "Okay, Logan c:", text: "If you want to edit connections again, click the MIDI button again.", target: "#midi-btn", duration: 10000 }); } notif_conn = undefined; }); var j = $("#midi-connections"); if (!j.length) return; function Item(device_type, seq, sel_id, store) { var sel = $("